What To Do When You Are Feeling Blue

Posted by in Career Advice

I have noticed this week that I have been grumpy. I don't have any reason to be so negative, but I really have been. There isn't any real reason for me to be in this sort of mood, there is nothing going on that is particularly upsetting to me, but still I am. I asked a few of my friends, and it seems that they all are suffering from some sort of negative, grumpy mood. I am thinking that it must be the weather. The colder, dreary days can make even the best of us feel a little gloomy. And, when you are looking for a new job, especially in a field like education, where enthusiasm can make a huge difference in an interview, there is no time to be stuck with the winter doldrums.
So, if you are feeling grumpy like me, there are some things that you can do to snap out of it. Here are some of the things that I do to put myself in a more positive mood:


  • Take a hot shower – Hydrotherapy can do wonders. If I am looking to get happy and relax, then sometimes I opt for a long bath, but in a pinch, a quick shower can do the trick. It will make you feel refreshed and energized. Using some aromatherapy soaps can also help to brighten your mood and relieve your stress.


  • Spend time with people who care about you – When you are around people who make you feel good, it is hard to stay negative. When you spend time connecting with the people you care about, it is much easier to adopt an attitude of gratitude.


  • Write – When I am feeling upset or just especially irritated, sitting down and writing about how I am feeling can help. Sometimes, I don't really know what is going on with my mood, so writing about it can help me determine what exactly it is that is bugging me. Sometimes it can be something as simple as things that you want to say to someone but really can't. You know that you are making way too big of a deal about it, but don't know how to let it go. This is where writing it all down and then deleting it can be a huge help. Just the process of getting it out of your system is sometimes all it takes to move on.


  • Get some sleep – Sometimes all you can do when you are feeling grumpy is go to bed and hope to wake up in a better mood. I think that many of the concerns and stresses of the day can be cured by getting more sleep. Some of the biggest stresses and worries are brought on by loneliness and being overtired.


  • Be grateful for everything in your life – When you take the time to practice gratitude and look at the positives in your life, the negatives don't seem that bad at all. No matter what your situation is, there is always something to be grateful for.


  • If all else fails, have a snack – It is hard to frown when you are eating a cookie. Not that I am advocating eating away your stress, but it is really hard to stay in a bad mood when you have a sweet treat.
Finding ways to keep your mood positive and enthusiastic is crucial during your job search. Even if you think that it doesn't matter because you don't have an interview or anything, trust me it does. When you write a cover letter, answer the phone or even reply to an email, your mood come across in everything you do.
What do you do when you need to snap out of a negative mood? Let me know in the comments.
By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for EducationJobsiteBlog, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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