If you have been using the same stale resume for years, it is time to refresh your resume. Updating your resume could make all the difference between finding work and remaining unemployed. Consider these tips to properly refresh your resume.
Update Your Skills and Education
If it is time to refresh your resume, chances are you also gained new skills and knowledge. If you obtained a college degree or new qualification or learned a new skill that makes you more adept at your profession, place it on your resume to gain an edge. By highlighting your skills and education on your resume, you show you are capable of doing the job. Many people use bullet points on their resumes to conveniently list major skills.
Optimize Your Resume With Keywords
It is impossible to properly refresh your resume without optimizing it with keywords. Read the job description, and add select keywords throughout your resume. Read the employer's history, mission statement and other information on the company website to get a general idea of what type of employees the company is looking for, and include additional keywords in your resume that reflect those ideal qualities in you. This allows the employer’s applicant tracking system to select your resume because it appears highly compatible for the position. To make the most of keyword optimization, create a unique resume to apply for each position.
Do Not Use Old-fashioned Language
If you are a senior professional, avoid using old-fashioned language and worn clichés on your resume. When you use such language, it signals to the hiring manager you are a mature worker. If you do not want your age to be taken as a factor when your resume is reviewed, aim to use modern, industry-appropriate language.
Review Your Contact Information and References
Make sure all your contact information is correct and the employer has the best number and email to reach you. Remember to use a professional email address to avoid scaring off employers. References are extremely important on a resume; add multiple, reputable references to make a better impression. If you have not spoken to a contact who is on your list of references recently, make a phone call or send an email greeting. If personal information has changed, an employer may not be able to reach the person for comment.
Review the Length of Your Resume
Creating a resume that is not too long or too short is also key to fully refresh your resume. For most employers, a page in length is just fine. If your resume is multiple pages long, aim to condense the extra information. If it is too short, add to your resume by sharing your other accomplishments, professional activities and volunteer experience.
Starting your resume over from scratch is the best way to build an excellent resume whether you are a young professional or a mature worker. There are many free templates available to refresh your resume, or you can enlist the help of a resume writer. Send your new resume and cover letter in hard copy form and electronically to employers to get you noticed.
Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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