Keep the Sales Popping

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A new successful seller used in business is the pop-up shop. Pop-up shops are those little tents or kiosks that show up in malls for a short time, sometimes to launch new products. Many companies use pop-up shops to see if new products will be successful in the larger market to move old inventory, or to highlight brand-new products.


The Planning Phase

Pop-up shops have a limited amount of time to attract a customer base. To attract customers to your pop-up shop, you need first to have a unified concept on which to base your sales. If you are going with the “too much inventory” theme, you could design a concept around the idea that you have to sell to make room for new inventory. By having a uniform concept, it will keep you focused when you are planning your marketing strategy. If you have a strong cohesive plan, then you won’t get sidetracked with other ideas that distract from your sales theme.


When scouting around for a usable space to rent, first make sure the space can accommodate all your business needs. It won’t do you any good to rent a space that won’t let you fulfill your plans. Try to find a space with a lot of foot traffic, such as at a shopping center or mall. The amount of stock you’ll need for a new product depends on the size of the space rented and for how long you plan to rent the space. If you’re there for a limited time per day, you can always keep the majority of your inventory elsewhere and move it in as needed.


The Right Technology

With advancements in technology, a pop-up shop doesn’t even need a cash register. If you are willing to only accept credit and debit cards, the new Tablets like Kindle Fire, Nook, etc. with their mobile point of sale features make buying with credit and debit cards easier than ever. If you charge the tablet daily, you won’t even need a phone line. 


If you use social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, you can drum up pre-opening excitement with these technologies. You can promote your business and offer coupons online to bring customers to your business. Make sure you advertise in newspapers, flyers or send out newsletters. By having business cards printed, you can pass them out to customers or put the cards in the customers’ bags after purchases.


Some Other Things

There are other reasons to consider using a pop-up store. It’s a different way to approach potential customers such as with a back-to-school sale to attract parents of school-age children. Maybe your product is something that will sell to teenagers with their spending money. In this case, if your pop-up is located where the teenagers already are, at a mall for instance, then you can capitalize on this fact and have a profitable experience. You could also consider setting up a pop-up during non-traditional times of the year where the group you target shops as a tactic to promote the brand awareness on what you sell.


So all in all, if you make products to sell or provide services through a provider, you can make pop-ups work for you. Keep the sales popping.


Photo Courtesy of


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