For More Qualified Employees Try These Strategies

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Career Advice

Finding qualified employees can be an expensive, time-consuming process. While traditional methods — including job fairs and online postings — have their merits, they also come with a great deal of administrative overhead. Lighten the load on your HR department and cultivate a pool of excellent candidates with targeted recruiting strategies.

Employee Referrals

When it comes to finding qualified employees, your existing employees can be a valuable asset. Chances are, each person is connected to a network of college classmates, former co-workers and industry contacts, many of whom have the experience and expertise you need. At the beginning of the hiring process, ask employees for referrals. Since the successful candidate has a direct impact on the team, employees are likely to choose someone who can handle the workload and fit in to the existing dynamic. Referrals also reduce the workload on the hiring staff and make staff feel more involved in the process.

Test Applicants' Knowledge

If your company is flooded with candidates who inflate their skills or fib about their experience, consider adding a skills test to the application process. Write a few questions or problems that are challenging and achievable for qualified employees but difficult for people without the required experience. Require applicants to submit the test with their resume and cover letter. Forcing potential employees to prove their knowledge weeds out unqualified people immediately so you can save time and resources.

Hold Recruiting Events

Qualified employees have more than a specific set of skills; they must also be a good fit for the team and the company culture. If your employees can't stand the new hire, this can sabotage productivity and damage morale. Give your staff the chance to vet candidates with a group recruiting event that takes place before the interviews. Plan a social mixer to gauge communication skills and personality, or schedule group exercises to test applicants' abilities and teamwork skills. Because an event requires more effort than an online application form, it can also help you identify the people who are truly interested in the position.

Get Involved With Local Organizations

The process of finding qualified employees can be an ongoing effort for your company; after all, your ideal candidates may not be searching for a job when you have an opening. Keep your eyes out for great people by participating in events related to your industry. If you frequently hire photographers, send employees to photography groups or workshops. Join groups of young professionals and attend networking events. Maintain memberships in industry organizations and attend conferences. Since professionals often amp up their networking in anticipation of a career change, this process exposes you to great candidates at the perfect time. It also helps increase brand awareness, spreads the word about job openings and makes it easy to build a file of potential employees for future job openings.

Efficient recruiting strategies can cut out much of the frustration and wasted time that often accompany the hiring process. By finding ways to separate qualified employees from casual applicants, you can focus your hiring efforts on the people who are likely to fit in with the team and become an asset to the company.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at


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