Don't No the Customer, Know the Customer - Part 1

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Customer Service

There are many different types of customer service jobs, from those where you are dealing face to face with a variety of different customer like in a retail business, to those dealing with them on the phone through a call center, or through a business where you have a specific circle of clients you deal with. In all aspects, they have one thing in common - the customer. Here are some tips to hopefully stimulate thoughts on how you can better assist the customer in your specific service field.

The customer is king - they are who you service, they are who you are there for, they are the ones that ultimately pay your salary. Try to get to know who your specific customer base is, and what their needs and desires will most likely be. The best way you can service them is to anticipate their needs; while this may not be as applicable to some positions, most of the time it is. Always make them feel special and appreciated. Use their name often so that they do not feel like a number to you. If possible, find ways to sincerely compliment them - but be aware of doing so to the point where it is cheesy or feels contrived, and they feel you are just "buttering them up."

Close your mouth - the best way to service a customer is to understand what they specifically need. Listen and pay attention, and let them talk more than you do. Ask simple questions to clarify their needs, but do not try to push your views on their needs. Pay attention to their tone, body language, and their emotional responses. Most importantly, give them your undivided attention. Let them know you are there for them, and not just trying to deal with them to quickly get on to the next person. Pay attention to them, and seek to avoid distractions like answering the phone, or others questions. Make them feel they are king of your world at that time. Also, pay attention to your tone and body language. Do they get the impression you are frustrated and bothered by them?

Educate - If a customer is confused with the system your company has in place, it can cause great frustration and anger. Take the time, if needed, to explain the system so they can better understand it. Don't treat them like they are stupid for not understanding, but instruct them so they can feel comfortable with things.

Yes, yes, yes - try to avoid telling the customers what you cannot do for them, and focus on telling them what you can do. Always look for a way to say yes instead of no. Some people have the attitude that people are stupid and should be treated that way. These type of people make horrible customer service reps. They tend to be a "no" person, always finding ways to thwart the desires of the customer, always looking for ways to make themselves right and the customer wrong. If you know you have a tendency to be this way in your personality, then consider that maybe this is not the field for you.

Do you have a good or bad customer service story? Please share it below for others to read and learn from. More to come in part two.

Jeff McCormack resides in Virginia Beach, VA. where he works as a web designer by day. In his off time he is a husband, father, and musician. Aside from being a freelance writer for this Customer Service Jobs blog, he also seeks to assist in career choices and information by contributing to other Nexxt blog sites.

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