What to Do if You Don't Have Any Relevant Experience?

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Your job search is likely to include hours of searching online for the perfect position. When an opportunity arises for which you don't have all of the relevant experience, it may be tempting to pass it. Reconsider skipping the opportunity though, and see if you can rework your resume to highlight transferable skills that could get your foot in the door.

Begin writing your resume by highlighting your skills rather than using experience to justify what you bring to the position. Focus your job search on identifying soft and hard skills that could benefit the company.

Go beyond standard proficiency in relevant computer applications and equipment, and highlight how you work well with teams, meet deadlines and adhere to the company's mission and goals. Candidates who are not familiar with the industry but possess leadership skills, creativity and an eager attitude often impress hiring managers who are looking for stand-out applicants. Place the skills section above the experience section of your resume and highlight transferable skills within your cover letter when applying for a position in a different industry so that your most relevant qualifications take up the prime real estate.

Present yourself professionally during your job search and when applying for a position, regardless of whether or not you have the desired experience. Compile an inventory of academic side projects or volunteer work that is related to the company's products, services, mission and goals during your job search. You may not have relevant employment experience in the field, but you may well find a connection between your academic studies or personal life and the industry you're interested in.

Detail project work that shows your career interests, transferable skills and work ethic. Hiring managers and recruiters seek out applicants who not only have skills to succeed on the job but also the personality to mesh well with the company culture.

Spend ample time on your cover letter to justify why you are the best fit for the position despite relative inexperience in the field. Analyze the job description during your job search and jot down a list of skills you possess that are desired or required. Connect the dots for the employer by detailing how your skills and past experience relate to the industry, the company or the position itself. Don't expect the hiring manager to make a connection without you pointing it out, but do highlight anything useful.

Some job seekers pass right over prime opportunities during the job search when they notice that they do not have relevant experience. However, you can stand out from the rest of the applicants in the hiring pool by showing that your skills are transferable for this position and that you are the best candidate for the job.

Photo Courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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