These Things Could Impact Your Personal Brand

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Whether you're a fresh college graduate entering the job market, a motivated professional climbing the corporate ladder or a seasoned veteran with retirement on the horizon, it's important to consider your personal brand. Many factors can have a negative impact on your personal brand and leave others with a poor impression of you; consider these five.

1. How You Use Social Media

Posting inappropriate content on your social media profile is a surefire way to damage your personal brand. Before you post anything to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or any other social media site, think about the impact it could have on your image. Consider whether the information you're sharing benefits your audience, and ask yourself whether it positively promotes your personal brand. Never post anything when you're in the throes of anger, especially if it's work-related.

2. How You Connect

Don't connect with others just for the sake of getting your name out there. It's more important to work on building meaningful connections with those you meet, so focus on quality over quantity. Connect with other professionals in your industry, and make an effort to maintain these connections. Think, too, about the company you keep. The quality of people you associate with, both personally and professionally, has an impact on your personal brand.

3. How You Communicate

Don't limit your connections and communications to social media and email exchanges. It's important to make face-to-face connections with colleagues in your workplace, members of your community and professionals in your industry. To improve your personal brand, volunteer in your local community. Go to networking events related to your industry. When you do communicate electronically, pay attention to your email and voice mail messages to be sure they promote your personal brand positively.

4. How You Negotiate

Don't bend over backwards to please everyone you meet. While you may think that giving in and appeasing others makes you more likable, it actually makes you appear weak. Be strong and confident in your opinions, and stand up for yourself and your convictions, even when it's not the popular choice. With this approach, you're bound to run into people who disagree with you, but you project a strong personal brand that is respected highly by those who matter.

5. How You Treat Others

Don't create a fake image or try to be somebody you're not. Be genuine when it comes to your ethics, goals and skills. Don't be afraid to be unique; it's much easier to maintain your personal brand when it's authentic.

Take stock of these five factors to determine whether your actions, communications and connections have a negative impact on your personal brand. Your personal brand determines how others perceive you and can be a huge barrier to future success if you don't maintain it carefully.

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