Managing Change More Efficiently

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

When changes initially start to take place within an organization, many managers and employees start to panic under the pressure. Learn how to hold the fort down and manage change more effectively to make working easier for everyone.

All too often, managers fail to start the process of implementing change early. If you want your staff to be on board by next season, start laying the groundwork and implementing changes during this season. Supervisors who begin early are more likely to succeed.

Inform everyone about the new policies and procedures that affect them so you can manage change properly. Leaving a single person out of the loop can spell disaster and failure for everyone else. Help employees understand the need for change within the organization, and they are more likely to cooperate. Ensure that employees and managers receive all of the individual training, workshops, resources and guidance necessary to make change happen.

If you try to make major organizational changes all at once, chaos and confusion are bound to ensue. Take the time to implement change in phases so you can manage change more effectively. This gives employees and managers time to adjust to the scope of the changes and adjust their behaviors accordingly. Make precise plans for executing each phase of change, but be flexible enough to change the course of action if a better method is needed.

Use measurable goals to monitor how well everyone is doing with the process of organizational change. Determine any obstacles that prevent your team from performing up to expectations, and address them. Manage time properly to make sure everyone stays focused, and make sure the changes proposed can be realistically achieved in accordance with the proposed schedule. Utilize software to monitor team performance.

It takes time to learn the finer details of implementing large organizational changes, so take notes for reference. Create a list of what needs to be done on a daily basis to manage time properly. Review your notes to stay aligned with company goals and objectives throughout the day, so you do not forget your priorities.

Celebrate organizational successes, large and small. If employees are congratulated for performing well during the process of change, they become motivated to continue the good work. By celebrating prior successful outcomes, employees also gain the courage to meet new challenges.

Although managers can be eager to force significant changes into motion in the workplace, this is a huge mistake. Most changes are not successfully implemented overnight, but do not lose heart when it is tough to manage change. Setting complex changes into motion takes more time, and efforts may be unsuccessful in the beginning. Use innovative methods to make change easier, but do not expect an instant solution.

Implementing the process of change takes significant effort and skill on behalf of managers and employees alike. Consider consulting a mentor within your organization for advice on the best ways to execute and manage change.


Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at



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