Before complaining about a lack of progressivity in your workplace, make sure you're not part of the problem. A positive attitude helps open your mind to new ideas, and positivity is contagious. When you focus on staying positive, your coworkers are likely to join you, leading to a better atmosphere for innovation and a more productive environment for everyone. Try these tips to get started.
Cultivate a Calming Morning Routine
A hectic morning routine may leave you feeling irritated and stressed before you even get to your office. To combat this, work on adding some pleasant activities to your morning schedule. Read some uplifting blogs, or scroll through a favorite humor website to start each day laughing. Choose soothing music for your morning commute, and avoid radio shows that are contentious. Some people enjoy spending five to 10 minutes on free writing, yoga or meditation to ensure a peaceful start to the day.
Set Realistic Goals
You may think that lofty goals are essential to achieving great things, but they can also set you up for failure if you're not careful. Instead, set reasonable goals, and celebrate every success. Checking things off a well-organized to-do list is another way to nurture your positive attitude. Watch out for unreasonable expectations from your boss or co-workers. Speak up for yourself, and set boundaries to ensure that you are able to complete tasks well, meet deadlines and satisfy clients.
Consider Coworkers Teammates
Remember that you and your coworkers are on the same team. Although a little friendly competition can boost productivity, regularly treating your coworkers as adversaries enhances negativity at work. Foster a positive attitude and a progressive workplace by smiling at each person you see and complimenting the deserving work of others. Keep an open mind about cooperation, soliciting the ideas of others and encouraging those facing difficulties.
Take Problems in Stride
Every workplace has problems. Whether it's irritating coworkers, demanding bosses, slow technology or perplexing work tasks, expect regular challenges on the job. Maintaining a positive attitude is difficult if you let every imperfection rule your mood. When you face difficulties, look for the best solution and then follow through without stressing about your inability to control every detail.
Keep Work Stress at Work
Work problems tend to grow larger in your mind when you ruminate about them outside of work hours. Instead, make your private time about your family, friends and personal interests. Create a transition ritual for decompressing after your workday. Spend a few moments at your desk writing about the day's activities before your leave the office to signal a change from your work mind-set to home mind-set. Some people may enjoy a brisk after-work jog. Others may like to listen to upbeat music on the drive home. Keeping a consistent after-work routine, such as getting a drink with friends, is another way to help you maintain a positive attitude at work and transition to a pleasant evening of necessary downtime.
Learn to face each day at work with a positive attitude to build the strong foundation of positivity necessary to foster a progressive workplace. Stay optimistic when dealing with challenging situations, and fight off negativity to help make your job a place of contentment and satisfaction for you and your co-workers.
Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at
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