Looking through job sites we are often faced with finding jobs we find interesting but perhaps aren't technically qualified for. We shrug it off, think too bad and move on to other possible opportunities. My question to you is, are you really as under qualified as you think you are?
Many employers use the word required quite loosely. In reality the "What's Required" section is a Human Resources wish list. They list the qualifications and background that they hope they can find an employee to fit. Obviously things that you must have that require detailed education (think a surgeon who must need the knowledge to perform surgery) are set in stone, but others can be much more flexible.
A fantastic skill to have for employers is the ability to learn and mold yourself quickly. Every company has a different handbook they follow. They will expect you to follow their rules and procedures. Maybe you see where I am taking this.
You may not have the technical knowledge they are requesting but they are going to have to train you to do it their way anyway. Do not let that be a deterrent from applying. Worst thing they can say is no, and during your on the job hunt, you're going to hear "no" a lot anyway.
Usually if a position interests you, there's a reason. It is something you would enjoy, something you know about, something you maybe already do without even knowing it.
Let's take the example of a Marketing Writer. You don't have a marketing background, so what are you going to showcase for the employer? Do you have retail sales in your background? Retail sales is what I jokingly call "Ninja Marketing" . You are constantly marketing your product in different ways to make a sale. Do you have a blog? How do you get your readers? MARKETING! You market yourself and your personal brand to people. Push those unconventional methods! Give the recruiter a little something to think about.
Show your willingness to learn, your unconventional skill set and your desire for employment with a certain company and give yourself a chance to shine. Even if you're missing some of their "requirements" you could still end up being a company's dream employee.
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