Wisely Using Your Turn to Ask Questions – Part 2

Posted by in Career Advice

In part one on this topic, I discussed some example questions that could be asked when given the chance to do so in an interview. Depending on the interviewer’s style, there is most always a chance to ask questions of them, whether it be throughout the interview time itself, or at the close.


Some human resource professionals suggest holding these type questions until the end. It allows you to get a fuller view of the company, their needs, as well as allows you to jot down notes to formulate additional questions to discuss. It can also insure that you are not asking a question that would already be normally covered during the process.


An interview can be seen as a multifaceted experience. Not only do you need to be sharp, professional and on your toes, answering all of the questions in a manner that is appealing to the interviewer, but you need to be able to create a memorable experience for the interviewer. Many job openings draw a large amount of candidates seeking just one position, so you may be up against some larger competition. To land that job, it may not be as much about just having the qualifications, it may require you to get the interviewer to sit up and take notice – to remember you even after the sea of applicants have been waded through.


Often times, the types of questions that get asked by candidates tend to be pretty basic and mundane. If you instead use this time to really seek to stand out, by asking questions that have real substance to them, it could be that wow factor that makes you stand out.


The questions should ultimately seek to make a statement that will highlight your qualifications, show your confidence, understand the employer’s needs and show your ability to meet that need, as well as showing your commitment to the company and their needs.


In a recent article, John Kador, author of many great books on careers, including his 2010 release 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, gave the following questions as a prototype to the types of questions you should seek to construct for an interview:


1. What exactly does this company value the most, and how do you think my work for you will further these values?

2. What kinds of processes are in place to help me work collaboratively?

3. In what area could your team use a little polishing?

4. What’s the most important thing I can accomplish in the first 60 days?

5. Can you give me some examples of the most and least desirable aspects of the company’s culture?

6. Am I going to be a mentor or will I be mentored?

7. How will you judge my success? What will have happened six months from now that will demonstrate that I have met your expectations?

8. This job sounds like something I’d really like to do -- is there a fit here?

9. Now that we’ve talked about my qualifications and the job, do you have any concerns about my being successful in this position?


Hopefully these will get you on your way to formulating and polishing up many similar questions that can cause you to really shine during the interview process.


"Image from dreamstime.com"


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