Why You Should Create an Accessible Interview Process

Hailey Jiang
Posted by in Human Resources

Interviews are one of the toughest parts of the hiring process. They often take many hours out of the interviewer’s and interviewee’s day, and there are often several rounds of interviews for a particular job. It’s crucial that you give each candidate a fair judgment. This is why it’s especially important to create an accessible interview process. Let’s explore some reasons why you should create an accessible interview process.

1. Creates an equitable workspace

Creating an accessible interview process is fundamental to fostering an equitable workspace. Ensuring that every candidate, regardless of any physical, sensory, cognitive, or other disabilities, has an equal opportunity to participate fully in the interview process. This will eliminate any potential barriers that might otherwise prevent qualified candidates from showcasing their skills. It will also ensure that you are creating a workspace that is fair and equitable to all.

2. Larger applicant pool

By creating an equitable interview process, you open the doors for more talent. Oftentimes, people don’t apply for jobs that are too far away because logistics can become complicated. They may not have enough time to travel for an interview, or they might not have the methods available to travel. Others may have social anxiety, which may cause them to back out of an interview for a job they are a perfect fit for. Furthermore, some people may need accommodations that aren’t provided for them.

3. Employee retention and satisfaction

An accessible interview process lets candidates know that the company is willing to take the extra step to ensure their candidates are comfortable and can perform at their best. They know that the company prioritizes candidates who work well with the company. This can in turn improve employee retention and satisfaction. When their company truly values and cares about an employee’s comfort, accommodations, and takes the extra step to ensure their interview process is accessible, employees are more satisfied with the company. Furthermore, they are more likely to stay at the same company for longer.

4. Good for brand

A direct result of improved employee retention and satisfaction is that your company’s reputation will improve. When employees are truly valued by their company, they will talk about it. Whether it’s through word-of-mouth, social media, people talk. 

Creating an accessible interview process not only creates an equitable workspace and increases the applicant pool, but it also improves an employee’s experience and the company’s reputation. By creating an accessible interview process, you ensure that all candidates have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their skills and qualifications no matter what barriers they may have. This commitment to accessibility and inclusivity will enhance your company’s reputation, as satisfied employees are likely to share their positive experiences, further attracting top talent and fostering a positive brand image


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