Why Email Still Matters in Customer Service

Infini Kimbrough
Posted by in Customer Service

In the recent past, email was the most advanced form of customer service; however, more and more options have appeared in leaps and bounds, such as online chatting and social media. While these new developments might make email support seem obsolete, it is still one of your most useful tools for providing excellent service, as some situations are better solved with email support instead of social media.

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For questions that require long responses, email support is better all around. With email, you can craft a long response that answers all the customer’s questions or touches on all his concerns without limiting you to 140 characters. It also gives you the time needed to ensure you are following the rules of good customer service to turn negative situations into positive ones. Through email support, you are focusing solely on that customer and his needs instead of your social media presence.

Email Fits Better Into a Customer's Schedule

More and more businesses are using online chat, which allows you to help your customers instantly. This is great for people who have the time to sit and chat for a few minutes. Unfortunately, life is busy, and people do not always want to sit and chat with you regarding their complaint. It is much easier for them to send off an email and reply to a response when they have the time.

Some Things are Private

Social media is social, but not everyone is a social person. Some people do not like the idea of others seeing their comment to your company and being able to share it or even reply to it. In other instances, the question or comment they have for you is private. Email support offers a fast, private way for them to contact you and have their concerns heard.

Not Everyone Uses Social Media

Social media is a new and innovative way for customers to reach you and your business. It is fast, easy and fun. Shocking as it may seem, however, not everyone uses or wants to use social media. There are still many people who either do not care enough to start an account or simply are unsure how to use it. In addition, even people who use social media every day, such as Generation Y, prefer email communications for extra service.

Email support is an important tool for excellent service because so many people still prefer to use it over newer technologies. To ensure the best experience possible, have a wide selection of ways to reach your customers and for them to reach you. This covers all your bases to keep your customers happy.


(Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles / freedigitalphotos.net)


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