Why Being Thankful Is Important To Your Job Search

Posted by in Career Advice

Why giving thanks should happen more often than once a year.

The holiday season has just kicked off, and every year at Thanksgiving, I think that it is important to remember that focusing on gratitude is something that is important and shouldn't only happen once a year. Giving thanks and concentrating on the positives in life can help you live a more fulfilled and balanced life.

Even if you haven't had a whole lot to celebrate this year, maybe you haven't had the career successes that you had hoped for or you have been struggling to find a job, it's even more important to stay positive. Focusing on the blessings of life is good for not only your soul but your job search.

Staying positive can help you find a job and can even help you land the job you really want. Here are 4 ways that giving thanks is good for your career:

Reasons to be grateful – When you think about the things that you are grateful for it helps you get a clear picture of what is really important. From there, you can see what you have to offer and where your talents lie. This can offer an amazing amount of insight into how you can best market yourself.

Reconnect with the people who mean the most – During the holidays, many people have the opportunity to reconnect with family and friends that they may not have seen in a long time. When you have a positive mindset, it's easier to make connection and keep in touch. You never know, the relative you haven't seen in years might be the one who can tell you about a job or connect you with someone who can help.

Reach out and network with friends – When you count the blessings in your life you will probably find that many friends are on the list. Use the spirit of the holidays to reconnect with them and network with former colleagues. When you are stuck in negativity, reaching out to others becomes even harder.

Fight depression – One of the hardest things about being out of work is how easily depression can set in. Once you fall into the trap, crawling out is tough. Employers aren't impressed by desperate job seekers. By finding things to be grateful for every day, you can keep yourself motivated and hopeful about the future.

Create enthusiasm – Spending a little bit of time each day to feel grateful will help you become more enthusiastic about your life. Enthusiasm is contagious and if you try, you infect yourself with it. When you are excited and confident, following up on leads and networking become easier. An added plus is that employers want to hire enthusiastic people.

Giving thanks isn't just about eating turkey. It's about living a fuller and healthier life.

Do you take time out to give thanks? Why or why not? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for PhillyJobsBlog and Nexxt, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.


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