Where Is Your Name Tag?

Posted by in Customer Service

The other day I was doing some shopping in a retail store and I needed some help locating an item. I looked around and saw a person who looked like he worked there, but I wasn’t sure. He was dressed casually and did not wear a uniform shirt (more about that in another article) or a name tag. I asked him if he worked thee and he replied “oh yeah.” I proceeded to ask my question and I eventually found the item I was looking for.

Bad First Impression
This was not a very good first impression, for me, the customer. Remember, people are judging you in the first 5 to 35 seconds of seeing you or your employees, and you need to make it as easy as possible to identify that they are talking to a company representative.

WalMart Name Tag
One of the best ways to do this is for you and your employees to wear a name tag. The best kind of name tag is one that can be read from approximately ten feet away. Just the first name is fine. A good example of this, is like the kind the employees at Wal Mart wear. The executive team at Wal Mart realizes that their customer base is composed of younger as well as older people, and they want their name tags to be easily read even if a person has less than perfect vision.

Help People Feel More Comfortable
Wearing a name tag for your customers allows them to feel more comfortable dealing with a person they can call by name. It makes it easier to ask questions and indicates your business is accountable and the person wearing the name tag is a responsible person.

My recommendation is the next time someone visits your business, make sure you make it easy for them to recognize the people that represent your company and have them wear a name tag.

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Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more successful and profitable by helping them attract and retain their customers and clients.

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