What Your Tone of Voice Says

John Krautzel
Posted by in Customer Service

Companies focused on improving customer service strategies are well aware that attracting new clients and satisfying existing clients relies heavily on communication. Customer service representatives who actively listen, display positive body language and adhere to a friendly tone of voice not only attract and retain customers, but also improve profit margins for businesses.

Encourage employees to understand how communication works with clients. The actual words you use only account for 7 percent of communication, whereas the tone of delivery makes up 38 percent of communication and body language accounts for 55 percent of how the message is interpreted. Polite language within interactions with customers is important, but to truly connect and create a personal connection, positive tones and body language must be a priority when incorporating customer service strategies.

Tone of voice conveys a person's attitude and the quality of feelings that accompany the message, so it is crucial customer service strategies focus on training employees to become passionate advocates for the company's products and services. When an employee is invested in the mission and goals of the company, this pride is evident in that employee's tone when communicating with potential and existing clients. Train customer service representatives to be empathetic to the needs of your clients. A client who is angry and frustrated needs to feel understood. Your employees can express genuine understanding and compassion for the struggles faced by the customer through words, but more importantly, through tone of voice.

Have your employees maintain a professional demeanor when communicating with clients, but don't be afraid to let their personality shine through. Customers enjoy informal banter and won't be offended by the use of a contraction when speaking or an exclamation point when chatting online.

Employees should communicate with their body during face-to-face interactions with clients. A key element of customer service strategies involves learning how to read the emotions, likes and dislikes of clients. These clients can also determine how an employee feels through body language. Instead of slouching or showing signs of irritation, employees should make eye contact, nod their head in agreement and avoid crossing their arms as this can be off-putting for customers. Customers are intuitive and can easily recognize when an employee is happy and confident, and this positive attitude reflects well on the reputation of the business.

Active listening can improve customer service strategies too. Customers want and need to be heard from the start of the transaction to delivery of the product or the service.

Employees who take the time to satisfy customers with a pleasant tone of voice, positive body language and personal connections enhance the consumer experience and promote a happy and healthy business environment. Incorporate customer service strategies and communication that rely on both verbal and nonverbal actions and cues.


Photo Courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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