What is the Real Reason Your Phone Remains Silent?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

The job hunt can be both rewarding and frustrating; while you want a better job, you may have to work hard, remain patient and stay vigilant in order to find the right opportunity at the right time. Several quests fall into one of three basic categories. Regardless of what type of job search you're on, however, there are a few means to consider that can help remedy issues you might encounter along the way.

You may ask yourself what is wrong with your application or why no one wants to interview you. The problem may not be with your expertise in general; instead, you might face dilemmas with how you approach your job search. Learn if you fit into one of these three main types of job hunters.

1. Random Searcher

The Random Searcher puts out feelers every once in a while and is pleased when he gets a bite or two from his fishing line. You're kind of laid back when you meet a colleague over lunch to discuss things.

2. Searching While Working

If you search for a job while you're still working, you may feel as if your current situation is done and you need another job yesterday. This job search is a little more critical because you want out, but you have to find the right opportunity without your boss or co-workers finding out about your quest.

3. Full-Time Commitment

The third type of job hunter is one who makes it his full-time job to find a job. You pretty much understand what it takes to land a new position and how to write a dynamite resume, and have researched enough to know what it takes to create a successful job search.

Now that you know which of type of job hunter you are, utilize some tips for how to make your hunt come to fruition. The contemporary job search takes more than a keyword-rich resume, personalized cover letter and great references from past bosses. Network, make connections and mine relationships over time to reach the best possible sources for fantastic positions.

Write Down Your Goals

Like with any plan, you need a series of goals to accomplish it. Write down your goals in a set of smaller steps, and track your progress accordingly. Start with a short sentence that answers the question, "What am I looking for?" and then go from there.

Create a Plan

Once you have your goals, create a plan to meet them. Set up a schedule of daily things to accomplish to reach your goals. How many hours do you spend networking? Set aside time each day to stay focused, stay on task and stay relevant over a couple of months.

Stick to It

Stick with the plan and stay organized. Finding the perfect job takes patience, practice and knowing when to make contact with the right people. You can't just walk up to an old college buddy and ask if he's heard of any job openings. Develop a relationship with that person through emails or phone conversations.

Your job search becomes a targeted way to stay organized with a coherent plan and the end game of landing a better position. All you have to do is be patient and success is on the horizon.

hoto courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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