What is Raspberry Pi and Why Does It Matter?

Mark Koschmeder
Posted by in Technology


The Raspberry Pi is a tiny computer that made a big splash upon its release in 2012. For technology professionals, this micro PC has the potential to revolutionize the computing industry. With its small size and low cost, the Raspberry Pi is destined to change the way computers are made and used around the world.


The Raspberry Pi is the brainchild of a United Kingdom-based nonprofit organization. This tiny computer is the size of a credit card, so it is considerably smaller and more portable than a traditional PC. It plugs into your television and a keyboard, creating an instant computer without an expensive monitor or CPU. Originally developed to make computers more affordable for education, this device has applications across a variety of areas, from industry to the developing world.


For professionals who struggle to afford computing systems, the Raspberry Pi might be the ideal solution. It comes in two models. The Model A costs just $25 and the Model B has a price tag of $35. The price does not include a power supply or an SD card, but those items can be purchased separately at a low cost. Each unit uses a lightened version of Linux and is compatible with open-source software for spreadsheets, word processing, and other common computer applications.


Unlike traditional operating systems, the Raspberry Pi does not require a large amount of memory. In fact, the Model A has 256MB of RAM, while the Model B has 512 MB of RAM. In comparison, newer versions of Windows can take up to 4GB to run at optimal speeds. Even with the light operating system and low cost, the device offers USB ports and an Ethernet port, so you can connect external devices and use an Internet connection. The device also comes with an HDMI port, video port, SD card slot, audio jack, and a footprint for a camera connection.


The Raspberry Pi can be used in a variety of ways throughout the technology industry. Computer hobbyists can build lightweight PCs around the tiny, single-board computer. This micro PC can be used as a wireless access point, a lightweight computer for everyday use, a gaming computer, or an affordable computer for low-income people around the world. Professionals in the United States are taking notice. According to an article on Geek.com, the device sold out quickly when it hit US retailers. The device also demonstrates that computers do not have to be expensive to be functional.


No matter what industry you work in, the Raspberry Pi is the first of what is certain to be a boom in tiny computers. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, technology workers may find themselves using small PCs in their personal and professional lives.


(Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net)


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