What Goes Into Making You a Good Candidate?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Your resume and cover letter might be the keys to landing a job interview, but a hiring manager needs more to determine whether you're a strong candidate for a position. Hiring managers look for multiple signs and specific traits when interviewing potential employees. Use the following tips to help you stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of getting a job offer.

Interview Preparedness

It's vital to invest as much time as possible when preparing for a job interview. Doing so makes you a good candidate because it demonstrates your genuine interest in the company, and it allows you to gain a better understanding of what the interviewer wants in a job candidate. Learn all about the company's philosophy, culture and goals, and don't hesitate to share tidbits of what you learned during your face time with the employer. Prepare at least three questions to ask the interviewer during your job interview, and make sure the questions express your excitement about working for the company. "What are your expectations for someone in this role within the first 90 days of employment?" or "What traits would a top competitor for this position possess?" are good examples.

It's also important to prepare your interview wardrobe, plan your route to ensure you arrive on time and make sure you're available to stay as long as necessary by keeping your post-interview schedule clear.

Insightful Responses

Instead of giving bland, generic answers to interview questions, provide insightful responses that detail how you intend to make a positive impact with the organization. The interviewer already knows you're highly skilled and qualified for the position, but he doesn't know how you plan to put these abilities to work — you have to tell him. For example, the employer might ask, "What contribution can you make to our sales team?" Be ready to give a thoughtful response: "I'm an excellent internet marketer, and I plan to boost slumping sales in the electronics department by using Google and Facebook advertising platforms to reach international audiences." This detailed response helps interviewers see you as an asset to the organization who can potentially help increase the company's bottom line.

Passion, Enthusiasm and Likability

It's crucial to build rapport with recruiters during your job interview. In order to do this, you have to check your ego at the door, as most employers seek workers who are likable, passionate and excited about potential opportunities. Interviewers must feel comfortable around you and should consider you a good fit for their organization. They must know you're a team player who can't wait to share your knowledge or learn from others in the industry. To display these traits, smile when greeting recruiters, and be courteous and polite to everyone you meet. During the job interview, express your desire to get started in the industry, meet more employees and work with specific people.

Employers want candidates who are professional, skilled, motivated and eager to join their teams. Make these traits apparent to hiring managers during your job interview to become a strong candidate who stands out from all other applicants and has a great chance of landing the job.

Photo courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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