Most job interviews include a question asking you what you already know about the company. Be ready with an answer that shows your enthusiasm and aptitude for the position. Although a quick look at the company website might give you the main details, deeper company research is essential for the type of well-thought-out answer that will truly impress the interviewer. Research the following areas to prepare a top-level answer to help you get the job.
Latest News
Make sure you are up to date by including a search of the current news as part of your company research. Use your search engine to specifically look for new articles and blog entries that mention the firm. Take a look at the company's Facebook posts and tweets. Keep your eye out for expansions and cuts. You don't want to tell the interviewer that you look forward to working with a division that is being slashed next month.
Mission Statement
Find the organization's mission statement on its official website. Take your time reading and internalizing the information. Think about how your personal priorities mesh with the company's mission. When answering job interview questions about the company, relate your enthusiasm for its mission and how you are excited to help the firm work toward its goals.
Products and Services
During your company research, peruse its website and LinkedIn profile to find detailed information about the types of products and services the firm offers. This is especially important if it's a large organization with many divisions. Although you may only be working with one department, having an overview of the entire operation helps you see how everything fits together. Explaining how the position you are applying for fits into the big picture is a great way to let the interviewer know that you are knowledgeable about and interested in the company.
While you are at it, take a look at the websites for those companies that directly compete with the organization you're hoping to join. Keep an eye out for differences and similarities. Understanding the competition helps you better understand the industry. This type of company research prepares you to talk about those things that make the company unique and how you see yourself as part of its team in particular.
Company Culture
A general feel for the company culture gives you a direct advantage when answering interview questions. Try using your network for this type of company research. Ask around to find people who already work for the organization and see if they will share information with you. If you are working with recruiters, they might also have some direct information about what it's like to work for the organization.
Doing your research before a job interview helps you stay prepared to provide better, more impressive answers, as well as to ask more thoughtful questions yourself when your turn comes. When sharing what you know about the organization, explain to the hiring manager how you see yourself fitting and what you can bring to the table to help the business flourish. Finally, remember not to limit your company research to its official website.
Photo courtesy of Samual Mann at
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