What are the Best Times of the Year to Apply?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

When you're on the hunt for a new job, there are a lot of details to take into consideration. Not only must stand out from everyone else, create a properly formatted resume and rehearse for your interview, but you should also keep in mind the time of year you apply for jobs. It seems that some months out of the year are better for landing a new position, while others less fruitful.

New Year

January and February represent a great time of year to apply for jobs. Hiring managers return from extended holiday breaks refreshed and ready to work. Companies finalize their budgets in January so they have a better idea of the type of hiring they can do over the next 12 months.


March, April and May are still relevant to your job search. This time of year is when staffers start to plan summer vacations with the kids, which means hiring managers and recruiters want to finish hiring before summer starts. Try to wrap things up by the end of May before key HR people and supervisors go on vacation for two to four weeks.

Your start date may not happen until after these people return from their trips, but at least you wrapped up getting an offer. Use this in-between period to wrap up your current job, if you have one, or prepare to work if you're unemployed. Stay busy and focused even though you're excited about your new position. Maintain a professional attitude at your old job until your actual last day.


Summer months are the worst time of year to find a job, unless it's seasonal work for warmer months. People who work for city swimming pools, outdoor recreational facilities, baseball fields and parks departments may see an uptick in hiring, but most other industries downplay the summer months after a hiring push in the new year and spring time.

Early Fall

September and October usually show an upswing in hiring across all industries. Managers return from vacation, kids go back to school, and companies start planning for winter holidays as the budget year starts to conclude. Retailers begin gearing up for the hectic holiday shopping season that ramps up in November, so you might start looking for a job in retail during the fall months.

Late Fall and Early Winter

Late fall and early winter are usually bad times of year to find a job. Employees with any unused vacation days might take the final two weeks of December for vacation. If any hiring goals went unmet, HR might put off any new hires until after the new year and the new budget goes into effect. However, if you put your name out there just before January, you get ahead of other candidates who wait until everyone comes back to the office.

Keep in mind you can apply for a position at any moment because someone in HR should be there to take your application. If the person responsible for hiring you has his own schedule, you might have to wait longer to hear a reply, depending on the time of year.

Photo courtesy of iosphere at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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  • Paul Bresko
    Paul Bresko

    This is a completely false article. Much hiring is done in Nov/Dec. If they don't hire then, they may lose the req. Jan/Feb are slow times, along with summer.

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