Use Your Interview to Check Out the Company's Culture

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Before accepting a position with a new employer, it’s crucial that you investigate the corporate culture. If it is not a good fit for you, you may regret taking the job even if you receive a generous salary. Use the job interview to learn more about the workplace so you can make an informed decision before accepting an offer.

Preparation is one of the keys to success and interviews are no exception to this rule. By preparing well for the meeting, you increase your chances of learning as much as possible about the corporate culture. Go beyond merely looking at their website. Search the Internet for stories about the company that shed light on how they treat their employees. Armed with this type of knowledge, you will be able to ask more in-depth questions concerning company policies and traditions at the interview .

When you arrive for the job interview, let the hiring manager initially take the lead. Answer his questions and tell him about your qualifications before exploring the topic of the corporate culture. When the interviewer finishes asking you about yourself and offers you the opportunity to ask questions, take advantage of it to find out about the workplace culture.

An important part of every corporate culture is how employees earn promotions. Make sure to question the hiring manager about career paths for new workers. Asking about the dress code is a subtle way to gain insight about the environment. You can infer key details about a potential employer based on the answer, as companies with a casual dress code tend to operate differently than those that expect employees to dress formally. Ask about the physical aspects of the workspace. Do employees tend to sit in cubicles for much of the day or is the environment more fluid? Find out what types of amenities, such as gym memberships or child care facilities, are available for employees, as that will provide insight into the company's values.

If the interview goes well, the hiring manager may ask if you want to take a tour of the workplace. If this opportunity presents itself, accept the offer immediately. Exploring the work environment gives you a chance to directly observe the corporate culture. Watch how the employees interact with each other and whether they seem to work alone or in teams.

After the interview, if possible, talk with some of the employees. Tell them that you are thinking about working for the company and want to know more about the corporate culture. Some workers may open up and give you inside information about workplace conditions and the way the company treats of employees.

An interview is a great opportunity to uncover facts about a business’s corporate culture. How well you fit within that environment will be a key factor in how happy and successful you will be there if hired. Ask direct questions about the culture and try to observe it for yourself if you can to find out whether a potential employer is a good choice for you.


Photo courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.Net



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