US CEOs Expect To Boost Hiring Over Next 6 Months

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Manufacturing

As the economy continues a steady but gradual climb into 2015, the need for a hiring boost may urge more U.S. CEOs to increase staff and offer more employment opportunities for the workforce. While the news may come as a refreshing sign of economic growth, the needs of employers have changed drastically in the past few decades, which directly affects the type of employees U.S. CEOs will be hiring.

More than 40 percent of CEOs from the Business Roundtable reported in December 2014 that a hiring boost within the next six months is a very real possibility, according to an article by the Associated Press. At a minimum, CEOs reported they will not be pulling back or freezing hiring anytime soon as budget battles between Congress and the White House have been at a minimum during the last half of 2014.

As CEOs prepare for a hiring boost, the employment opportunities for the working people may vary due to advances in technology. Skills in social media, computer technology, mobile applications and portable devices have changed the scope of what CEOs are looking for when hiring. In fact, many employers are specifically seeking multi-taskers willing to embrace the evolution of paperless and online-reliant consumers.

The generational styles in the workplace may also effect the employment opportunities for individuals taking advantage of a hiring boost the next six months. As baby boomers continue to phase out of the workforce, hiring companies may need to adjust to the generational shift when it comes to hiring. Many businesses are adjusting to changes amid a hiring boost with employees that span across four distinct generations, according to an article in Nexxt.

For example, baby boomers may be phasing out through retirement at a pace as fast as the number of millenials entering the workforce. Generation X and Y employees may also be shifting to a new career at just the right time as a hiring boost looms in the future, as early as the next six months.

When faced with a hiring surge with generational gaps present in the workforce, CEOs can implement additional training to synchronize learning across generations, create mentoring programs to foster a more cohesive workplace environment and provide resources for employees to learn more about conflict resolution strategies and effective leadership techniques during the shift.

Recognizing the ever-changing dynamics of different generations may help ease the transition when adding to the workforce through a hiring boost. U.S. CEOs are seeking new employees willing to work cooperatively with a diverse range of generations both as co-workers and clients during this time. Although the prospect of new jobs, expanding companies and economic growth surges, the challenges must be addressed before it affects productivity and client relations.


Photo courtesy of Ambro at



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