Toxic Attitudes That May Be Poisoning Your Job Search and Your Career

Posted by in Career Advice

As a whole, humans are very hesitant to change the way they do things, even when it is clear that the way they are doing it isn't working. Changing your attitude about things is one of the first steps in making changes that are lasting and productive. If you were to ask the most successful people in your career field, you will find that they tend to all have an attitude of willingness to make change and do whatever is necessary to be successful.

Here are some toxic attitudes that may be poisoning your job search or your career

  • I don't need a professional social network. It just seems phoney. I don't want to be one of “those people”- Actually, you do. And, of course you want to be one of “those people”, if by “those people” you mean successful people. Creating a professional social network is not very difficult to do, and it allows you to keep up to date with what is going on your field. Creating a dynamic online presence is one of the best ways to make yourself important in your career path, and it raises your value to your employer and to other potential employers.
  • If they will just give me that promotion, I will show them how awesome I am- This rarely ever works. You have to show them how awesome you are before you can expect to be promoted. When you demonstrate your value, people notice much sooner than they would notice your untapped potential. Don't strive to be a diamond in the rough, show them your sparkle.
  • I am going to stick with this until it is successful- I think it was Kenny Rogers who said “You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run.” This advice, while great for poker, is still true in life. When you are working at something that isn't succeeding, there is a time when you need to just walk away. Sometimes that can mean handing a project off to someone else or taking a different path. Persistence is certainly a virtue, but you have to know when drop something that is draining your time and talents.
  • I don't need people skills, I have (business/ technical) skills- No matter what field you are working in, you always need people skills. Even in highly technical fields, being able to deal with co-workers, bosses and the people who work under you is a huge plus.
  • I updated the resume I have had since college. I don't need to use keywords or tailor my resume into a marketing tool. I have years of experience and training that speaks for itself- Yeah, about do. This is one of the things that still amazes me, when you are looking for a job, try anything. This isn't the time to get stuck by thinking that they way you do things are the best, and any attempt to change it is missing the point. The job market has changed, and employers don't care so much about your years of experience and training. They want to know why they should hire you and what are you capable of doing for the company today.
  • I just want to be sure that I get it perfect- This is always a challenge for me. Especially when I am working on a deadline. I had to realize that they don't want it perfect, they want it by Thursday. Being a perfectionist is great, but there is a time when you have to let go and get it done the best that you can in an allotted time frame.
  • I don't have the time or inclination to “schmooze”- Well, you better find some. Making professional connections is important. Nurturing those relationships, even more so. Never underestimate the power of a professional network. When you are given the chance to attend business conferences and other events, get to know the people in your industry. Get their contact information and add them to your social network. Get to know them. They can be the single most important source for job leads and information.

When you change your attitude, you can change your world. So think about some of the attitudes and beliefs that you cling to, and see where you can make a change.

Are you looking for a job in the Philadelphia area? Take a look at PhillyJobs.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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