Top 10 Most Common Questions

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Preparing for a job interview means getting ready to answer any question the interviewer might throw at you. Fortunately, the same common interview questions show up over and over in most job interviews. Here are 10 of the most common questions asked. Think about what your answers will be so you can ace your next interview.

What's Your Greatest Strength?

Inside, you should be dancing when you hear this common question. Don't reply with a laundry list of your great qualities. Instead, focus on one particular strength that applies very specifically to the job you're applying for, and go into detail about it.

What's Your Greatest Weakness?

Again, avoid the laundry list approach to this question, and stay away from any personal topics. Now is not the time to discuss your fondness for doughnuts or your tendency to date guys who are bad for you. Instead, choose an area of your professional life and explain how you're working to overcome it.

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

Expect this common question, and be honest but discreet in your answer. If you were downsized, say so. If you saw no room for promotion or are making an industry switch, be honest about it. If you were fired for negative reasons, simply say you felt it best to part ways with your former company, and redirect the conversation.

Why Should We Hire You?

Have every element of the job description at your fingertips when you answer this question. Explain exactly how you meet the qualifications and job requirements.

How Do You Handle Stress?

With this common question, the interviewer wants to know if you'll panic when things get rough or a deadline approaches. Mention your favorite stress-reducing techniques, but turn the conversation back to finding solutions to problems.

Why Do You Want to Work Here?

The answer here is not "Because you're hiring." Instead, focus on how your values align with the company's and how you're a good fit for the company and the position.

Tell Me About Yourself

The secret to answering this common question is to stay focused on work and to avoid bringing up your personal life. The interviewer doesn't want to hear about your family or what you like to do for fun. Turn the question back to your work-related strengths and abilities.

Describe a Difficult Situation You Had to Deal With

Here's a chance to tell your story. Pick a situation ahead of time that makes you look good, and when you tell your story, describe your thought processes when it comes to finding the best possible solution to a problem.

What are Your Goals?

Keep the discussion short-term and work-focused when answering this common question. Talk about where you'd like to be in one or two years, not a decade, and leave your answer open-ended.

Why Do You Want This Job?

Avoid the trap here of talking about yourself and your own desires. Instead, focus on how you can benefit the company and what you bring to the position.

When facing common interview questions, prepare ahead of time, but don't memorize a set answers. Instead, think through the common questions in light of your fit with the company and the actual job description to align your own strengths and goals with those of the interviewer.


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