Three Ways to Start Your Cover Letter

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Snagging a job can be as simple as a writing solid cover letter, and losing a job opportunity can easily happen with a cover letter that lacks enthusiasm, an anecdote, and a connection between the applicant and the company receiving the letter. Land that interview using these three cover-letter techniques that can turn a boring introduction into a tool that makes employers want to invite you into their offices.

A generic introduction in a cover letter is the main reason that job seekers don't get called for an interview. Often, employers are hesitant to interview potential employees because of a poorly written cover letter. You can avoid this experience by designing a successful introduction that pinpoints your expertise in the industry, an eye-catching opening, and your ability to network.

An Enthusiastic Beginning

Start your cover letter with an inviting opening that is not generic. Consider stating, "I am delighted to apply for the position you are offering." Be specific about the job position, and explain why the position suits you. Employers are happy to see that an applicant has taken the time to research the position before writing the cover letter. Adding something complimentary about the company at the beginning of the cover letter is also great way to show a potential employer that you are invested in the position.

Prove Your Worth With a Story

Since employers are used to receiving "Hi my name is..." cover letters all the time, consider writing an anecdote that highlights your industry experience and interest in the company. Write a story about a career-changing moment or how former employment has prepared you for a position with the new employer. Making your cover letter personal and to the point tells an employer that you are serious about the job. Use the introduction to establish yourself as a professional seeking to continue your career with the employer's company.

Influence With Your Connections

Many claim that name-dropping is poor form, but not when you are selling yourself as a networking expert in your field. Use the first few sentences to highlight your industry connections and to prove that your networking skill is an invaluable asset in the field. Get even closer to an interview by building relationships with employees already working for the company. Once you have established those networks, write them into the introduction of your cover letter. Employers want to see job seekers making the effort to become a supporter of the company before being hired. It shows your motivation to work with the company.

The cover letter is an important step in attaining employment with any company. Applicants should construct an introduction that is creative, professional, and demonstrates serious intent in working for the company. The remaining body of the cover letter should be concise and give the employer what they need to see to offer you the opportunity to interview with them. Always remember to keep your introduction honest, and let your experience speak for you.


(Photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /


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