Three Reasons Why Customer Service Starts With Management

John Scott
Posted by in Customer Service

Companies thrive or collapse by the level of customer service they provide. From large to small companies, customer retention and feedback mark the longevity and profits of a company. Customer service managers often set the tone for employees that interact with customers. This first line of contact determines the impression of a business. With the critical role customer service plays, the customer service manager leads employees and dictates the success of a customer service program.

The customer service manager trains new employees and provides sequential training for all employees. During this process, a manager addresses key points for handling customers and best practices. An expert in Forbes Magazine states that all training needs to include ways for the customer service manager to enable employees to make their own decisions. Emphasis on independence is only possible, however, with adequate initial training. Representatives must feel comfortable and have the power to handle the vast majority of customer service problems without passing the customer to the manager. The sooner an employee creates a resolution for the customer, the more likely the customer is to have a positive experience.

A customer service manager also insures excellent customer service by instituting customer-friendly policies and setting a customer service plan. Regular updates of policies and procedures from data generation helps companies reach customer service goals. Customer service representatives need clear guidelines for common situations, and employees need annual notices and training on the policies. This prevents different employees from having inconsistent views of company procedure, and it keeps customers from receiving conflicting messages. Customer service managers also have the power to integrate change into a company by revamping the customer service plan to include aspects such as social media, which gives customers a way to provide positive feedback.

Customer service managers also have the responsibility of the customer service role model. In fact, the manager must also be the best customer service representative. Though delegation through empowerment is key, customer service representatives need to trust a manager to resolve a conflict. Excellent customer service managers avoid speaking negatively about customers or engaging in office gossip. Work habits of employees also reflect those of the manager. Employees mimic behaviors that do not lead to optimal productivity, such as taking multiple breaks or using a personal telephone while at work. Excellent managers inspire employees to want to work harder.

Customer service determines the success or failure of a business. When customers have bad experiences, they often tell multiple people. If customer service is low, enough bad experiences have the potential to keep customers away. Customer service managers prevent negative feedback by insuring that the employees who make contact with customers provide the best experience possible. Superior customer service in an organization is a reflection of leadership and sets the tone for the company’s image.

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