Three Magic Steps to Your Dream Job

Posted by in Career Advice

How would you like to get your dream job easily and effortlessly, without the grind, grief and grumbles of the typical job hunt? Now, if you prefer to spend weeks, months or years trying to get hired, sending out waves of resumes with little or no response, networking like crazy in the hopes of making some sort of useful connection, and going on frustrating, pointless interviews, don’t read any further, because this article isn’t for you. And if you’re the type who believes that you make things happen only as a result of hard work, determination, perseverance and “luck,” or you’re a person who thinks rigidly and is unwilling to open your mind to new ideas, stop right here because this article may be too “touchy-feely” for you. This article is for people who are ready to try something different and something that really does work, regardless of how strange it may first appear to be. I know it works because I’ve used it to get every job I ever wanted, even if I didn’t have the qualifications, didn’t have any experience, didn’t know anyone on the inside, regardless of what was happening with the economy, how big the company was or how big the competition was. I am using it now as a business owner to attract new clients, as a homeowner to attract the money to pay my bills, and as a Baby Boomer with a body that occasionally reminds me that I'm not 17 anymore. And when I was 17, I used it to get into the college of my choice when I didn’t have the grades or SAT scores, didn’t know anyone on the faculty or administration, wasn’t a minority or foreign student, didn’t have a scholarship or grant, or any kind of “in” whatsoever. What I used was the Law of Attraction, which you might have heard of as “The Secret,” thanks to the DVD and book of the same name. The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe, and it states that you attract anything you focus on through your thoughts, feelings and beliefs – whether you’re aware of them or not and whether you actually want them or not. Here are some ways to understand the Law of Attraction: “Like attracts like.” “Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.” “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” “It is done unto you as you believe.” “For whoever have, to him more shall be given, and he who does not have, even that which he has will be taken from him.” “Thoughts are things.” Yes, you can literally attract anything through your thoughts, including your dream job. Here’s how: KNOW WHAT YOU WANT Create a mental video of yourself at work in your dream job: * What are you doing, wearing or reading? What does your work place look like? * How much money are you making? What is your work schedule? * Who are your co-workers? * How do you feel doing this work in this environment with these people? Replay this mental video several times a day, and especially right before you go to sleep, until your dream job shows up. Know this job is yours right now; even if you can't yet see it, haven't a clue how it will come to you or if it seems impossible. BE WHO YOU ARE The fastest way to manifest your dream job is to think, speak and act as if you already have it: * Have a business card printed specifying the kind of work you see yourself doing. *Attend trade functions and mingle with your peers. * Take classes and seminars and read industry publications. * Keep your mind filled with thoughts of how great it is to do the work you love. Use affirmations and visualizations to intentionally reprogram your mind to accept you now have your dream job. Never allow fear, doubt, misgivings or anyone else's opinions to sway you from your conviction that what you want is already yours. Negative thoughts will block or delay it from coming to you. DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT Embrace the knowing and embody the being, and you'll be intuitively guided to take the most appropriate actions towards your goal. Step out in faith, and your dream job will manifest at the perfect time and in the perfect way with little or no effort on your part: * You’ll “happen” to be in the right place at the right time. *By “accident,” you’ll run into the very person who you’ve been trying to reach. * You’ll feel guided to call one particular person who, it turns out, was looking for someone just like you right now. Stop trying to “make it happen” or worrying about how it will show up. Your only job is to know what you want and that it's now yours; it’s the Universe’s job to get it to you. How it does that is not your concern and what it does will be for your highest good and the highest good of everyone concerned. You attract whatever you focus on, so focus only on what you want, not on what you don't want. Either way, it's already on its way to you. And so it is.

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