Three Keys for Syncing HR and Management

Julie Shenkman
Posted by in Human Resources

A human resource department is only successful if its activities benefit the company as a whole. Human resource goals need to be set with management in mind. A strong link between the human resource department and company management ensures that everyone is on the same page in the areas of employee recruitment, retention, and policies for today and the future.

The human resource management team influences a company on several levels. Through recruitment it controls the employees available for hire, and through training it controls the development of current employees. Human resources also takes responsibility for risk management associated with employees and employee retention. Keep your human resource department connected by implementing these human resource goals.

Master Your Company's Mission.

All the members of your human resource team need a deep understanding of your company's mission statement, and long- and short-term goals. Carry out human resource activities with these in mind. For example, send people to interviews who you know meet the job requirements and are a good mesh with company culture. If your company is cutting costs, look for employees with lower salary expectations. If your company is focusing on innovations, send employees with a history of creativity.

Extend your mastery of current goals to help with the development of future goals. Management needs feedback from human resources when making organizational decisions, such as merging departments or extending growth in a new direction. Be ready to share information about the capabilities of the current workforce and the potential growth of the workforce to aid management in decision making. After new policies are set, focus on human resource planning that is in line with the new company policies.

Develop Management- and Employee-Friendly Rules and Regulations.

The human resource department is the formal link between employees and management. Set policies that work for the good of both groups. Every rule needs to line up with the company culture and ethics. Make sure that rules are easy for everyone to understand and simple to enforce. Keep policies cohesive throughout the company. Communicate human resource goals regularly to management to keep cohesion strong.

Anticipate Future Needs.

Human resources manages data related to employment, but human resource employees need to stay up-to-date on data related to all areas of company development. Productivity and sales totals provide essential information for developing better human resource goals. Look for patterns in growth to better target recruitment towards the company's future needs. Pay attention to subtle shifts in the relationship between employees and technology. When technology starts to replace low skilled workers, start recruiting higher skilled workers to manage the technology. On the other side, use human resource data and analytics to inform management about employment trends. Companies want human resource departments that keep them up-to-date on actual employment trends in the company, such as retirement numbers, strengths in current employees and any potential employment problems.

Move your human resource team into closer alignment with management by focusing on human resource goals that mesh with the company mission, management-friendly human resource policies and human resource planning towards future company needs. Be ready to help influence company strategy with high quality employment analytics. The right human resource goals are essential for keeping the company strong.

Photo courtesy of sheelamohan at


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