Get prepared for your next interview with the interview question of the week.
It's that time again! It's time for the Interview Question of the Week. Whether you are looking for a job or thinking about making a move, one of the keys to standing out during your interview is practice. It's not enough to show up and do your best to get through it anymore. By preparing ahead of time for the types of questions that will be asked and sketching out your answers, you won't have to worry about forgetting the main things you wanted to say or worse, drawing a blank.
To help you get prepared, each week we go over another popular interview question and break it down to figure out the best way to answer it. So, here you go, the Interview Question of the Week:
What is the most boring job you've ever had?
Why it's a trap:
This is a very common interview question and, on the surface, it seems innocent enough. The problem is that what you might consider boring may not be boring to everyone and you run the risk of sounding like a whiner or someone who isn't very happy. The other potential trap here is that if you tell the interviewer an amusing story about a job that was, in fact, very boring, the story will be stuck in the interviewer's head and worse, attached to you. From then on, you will be associated with the boring job in the interviewer's mind.
The best answer:
The only way to go with this question is to deny that you have ever allowed yourself to become bored with a job. You can explain that being bored is a choice and that the key is to not allow yourself to fall into a rut. Sure, you might miss an opportunity to share a funny story or dish about a previous job, but you will be able to make a great impression without associating yourself with negativity.
For example:
“I think that maybe I have just been really lucky because I can honestly say that I have never been bored at any job. I think that there are exciting parts to any job, at any level. No matter what the job is, if you look for it, there are always new, exciting challenges to tackle. For me, if I start to feel bored with a job, I figure that I am not challenging myself and I start looking for new problems to tackle. If I am not challenged, then I am not working hard enough and I'm not growing.”
What do you think about this question and answer? Are there other questions you would like to see answered here? Let me know in the comments.
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By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for LogisticsJobsiteBlog, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.
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