In my last two articles, I discussed the concept of the success triangle, and that it has three components. All three must be present in order for it to work properly and be successful. They are:
• Skills
• Knowledge
• Attitude
In part one, I talked about some of the different obstacles to the proper people skills being present in a company or organization. In the second article I discussed how the knowledge of the business owner and his staff, was something that needed to be perpetually increased. In this final article, I will discuss the most important component of the three, attitude.
• Skills
• Knowledge
• Attitude
In part one, I talked about some of the different obstacles to the proper people skills being present in a company or organization. In the second article I discussed how the knowledge of the business owner and his staff, was something that needed to be perpetually increased. In this final article, I will discuss the most important component of the three, attitude.
It has been said that “your attitude will determine your altitude in life.” Said differently, if your attitude stinks, so does your future. In an organization or company, attitude starts at the top and makes it way down to the people below. If the leadership is pessimistic, it makes for a pessimistic company. People tend to leave organizations that create an atmosphere of negative thinking and hopelessness. Most individuals want to feel that they are part of a company that is making a difference in the world, and that what the company does, really matters.
The leaders of an organization will create more prosperity and true success if they can create and support a vision that strives to make a difference for the people it serves. This type of company can create footprints that change the world. Organizations like Google, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Apple, Amazon, the Humane Society, and Hospice have noble and empowering visions. Many of the people that work for these organizations are part of a mission to make the world a better place. They receive not only a monetary income, but a psychological income for the work they perform. In turn, their attitudes empower the organization for which they work. It is a symbiotic relationship that creates a triple win where the clients, the employees and the company all win.
In summary, when the people as a whole in your organization have the right attitude, it can set the pace and make the world a better place.
Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more profitable by increasing their value and lowering their costs through the professional development of their managers and employees. Please see more of his blogs at Administrativejobs blog and view additional job postings at Nexxt
Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more profitable by increasing their value and lowering their costs through the professional development of their managers and employees. Please see more of his blogs at Administrativejobs blog and view additional job postings at Nexxt
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