The Power of Personal Brands Vs Corporate Brands

John Krautzel
Posted by in Customer Service

Companies often experiment with customer service strategies to better meet the needs of their clients while also streamlining internal processes. While tapping into social media is a powerful tool to reach your client base, creating a personal brand can prove to be an effective method that offers a return on your investment.

Defining Brands

Corporations develop a corporate brand to market their products and services, but creating a personal brand involves tailoring your company's identity to involve your customer service approach and represent individual employees. Ramp up your training efforts to help each service representative model this brand to put a face with a name when clients are working consistently with your staff.

The Authoritative Edge

Put a personal touch on your customer service strategy by encouraging employees to engage one-on-one with potential and existing clients. Personalized service builds loyalty within the community, strengthening your corporate brand and showing clients that you are willing to put in the time and effort to personally cater to their wants and needs when providing products and services. You have the ability to become the authority by letting your employees serve as the face of the corporation.

The Leveraging Advantage

When your customer service staff has the freedom and flexibility to develop and implement a brand, your representation on social media soars. For example, while your company can maintain a faceless Twitter or LinkedIn account, utilizing your employees to engage with people on personal social media accounts expands your reach. Your staff can join LinkedIn groups, participate in industry-related Twitter chats and reach out to potential clients personally versus hiding behind a nameless account.

The Benefit of Flexibility

Give your staff the flexibility to deviate from your company's standards when creating their own brand within the industry. As representatives of your company, your employees can develop their own professional image and gain credibility that transcends into business operations and potential client acquisitions. This practice leaves your staff feeling satisfied, trusted and important, which ultimately impacts how well they represent your company at professional events, seminars and workshops.

The Trust Factor

Consumers are often well-educated and shy away from marketing or advertising that seems to target large audiences. When your staff is encouraged to develop brands, the sales pitches and customer service provided are much more personal and guided toward individual clients. As a result, your marketing efforts are more personalized, which builds trust from your consumer base.

Eliminate hesitation from potential clients or customers by developing brands that are personal versus corporate. Utilize your customer service representatives to build trust with a strategy that offers flexibility and an opportunity to display personality to further engage clients while building loyalty for your products and services.

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