Superstars Have These Eight Attributes

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Career Advice

A business superstar shakes up the industry in which he works. He knows how to accomplish lofty goals, and he gets his entire team on board to share his vision of the future. He also has several key attributes to make him successful at what he does. To attain this superstar status and the admiration of many in your field, follow these eight principles.

1. Go With Your Gut

Good judgment and business sense involve more than knowing your industry, relying on experience and making the right decisions. You also have to follow your gut. Relying on your intuition takes practice, but eventually a business superstar knows how to pivot from the idea-making portion of the plan to getting results as efficiently as possible.

2. Get Results

The most inspiring business superstar in a firm gets results. That could mean turning a business around after coming on board, increasing revenue every quarter or turning ideas into action. Results happen in a timely manner when you know what actions to take to accomplish certain goals.

3. Fix the Root Problem

Every business superstar discovers the heart of a problem. If customers keep calling to complain about some aspect of a product or service, you must find the root cause of the complaints. The nicest customer service staff on the planet cannot fix a broken product, poor service or some kind of failure to deliver.

4. Learn to Prioritize

Everyone in business should learn how to prioritize, but for getting things done this is a key skill. Prioritizing means thinking ahead, making the right decisions at the proper time and knowing what you can put off for another time. If a true emergency happens, handle it when it occurs by delaying what you know can wait for another day. Prioritizing comes from a combination of good judgment and experience.

5. Simplify the Complex

Complicated processes may appear daunting as your company moves from design and theoretical goals to actually implementing a strategy. The business superstar in your firm knows how to break down complicated things and simplifies them. Doing this makes it easier for team members to break down the larger goal into easy-to-define concepts. When a team knows what it's doing in easier steps, everyone can get on board=.

6. Recognize No Pain, No Gain

Every action has a risk when it comes to business decisions. Movers and shakers in the industry weigh different risks and make the right decision that leads to higher productivity and better results faster. Learn to get rid of indecisiveness once you move forward with a plan and commit to one goal.

7. Build Your Network

No one reaches the top without the assistance of good people. You need a trusted network for guidance along your journey. Pick the best people to have in your inner circle.

8. Quell Fears of Failure

Overcoming your fear of failure may be one of the most difficult things to do in your career. Vanquish this fear with passion, results and everyday hard work.

Everyone knows a business superstar at the office because employees look to him to accomplish anything. If you want to become that person, exhibit these key attributes daily and see what happens.

Photo courtesy of Sira Anamwong at


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