Re-frame Your Job Search

Posted by in Career Advice

Have you ever been to an art gallery and gazed at all the beautiful paintings displayed on the walls? Those pieces of art just seemed to capture your attention didn’t they? One of the main reasons they look so wonderful, is because of the correct frame that was selected for each one. The right frame will enhance the painting and bring out its true essence. I am told a good frame can significantly enhance a painting and its value.

You can draw a similar comparison to your job search. By framing your attitude in the right mind-set, you can support your job search efforts in a positive and productive way. Often your efforts will seem tedious and unrewarding. However, by looking at your job search as part of a process, which contains a beginning, middle and an end, you can keep your mind focused in an optimistic and productive way.

Thomas Edison
When Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of the electric light bulb, was interviewed by a reporter, he was asked a question that revealed how he looked at his endeavor. Before Edison had discovered a light bulb filament that ultimately would work, a reporter asked, “Mr. Edison, how does it feel to have failed over ten thousand times in trying to discover a filament that will allow your electric light bulb to work?” Edison replied, “I haven’t failed, I merely have discovered ten thousand filaments that will not work.”

Failure is Success
Here lies the genius of Thomas Edison. He saw each failure, as only one more step closer to finding the one that would work. He had reframed his efforts as a scientific process that was inching him closer and closer to finding the correct filament that would work. Ultimately, he discovered the carbon filament, and as they say, the rest is history.

Your job search is much like a scientific process. You need to stay persistent and keep trying different things that will eventually bring you a position in the career of your choosing. So, the next time you feel like giving up, think of Thomas Edison, and let his example of persistence illuminate the way to your job offer.

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Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more successful and profitable by helping them attract and retain their customers and clients.


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