Provide Customer Service Training for Your Employees

Posted by in Customer Service

Can you imagine a collision shop hiring a person with no prior experience for the job of repairing damaged cars or a company hiring someone to work as a computer operator with no knowledge or skill in using a computer? It would not make sense to hire someone for a position like that unless that person received the necessary training to perform satisfactorily at that job.

Yet, employees are hired everyday to fill positions that put them face to face with the customer. They receive little or no training and education in dealing with customers, yet are expected to perform effectively. Many businesses don't recognize the importance of hiring qualified people and making sure they receive the training and education necessary to be successful at serving the customer.

Often, a business or organization assumes that the employees they hire have the necessary skills to deal with people. They may have some of the skills, but rarely do they have all of the competence necessary to do the job right.

Survey after survey has shown that the number one reason customers switch the store or company where they do business is due to a feeling of indifference shown them by the employee serving them.

Employees come into contact with customers in several different ways. The cashier, stock person, manager, and person who answers the telephone all serve a vital link in satisfying that customer. By not being given the necessary tools to deal effectively with their customers, employees and managers do what comes naturally. Unfortunately, many times that can be the wrong thing.

Companies unwilling to spend time and money to train and educate their employees properly, usually find their turnover high and customer satisfaction low. These kinds of businesses can and do survive if the business climate is in their favor. However, once there is a downswing in the economy or a competitor moves into the area that is committed to providing real service to the customer, watch out. Drastic changes in the bottom line of the shoddy service provider will follow.

A nationally known print shop had been in business in a mid-size town for several years. Since the area was large enough to support two printing facilities, another franchise was sold to a different person across town. The new franchise owner hired the right people, provided the necessary training for her employees, and started providing quick, courteous, and accurate service to her customers. It wasn't long before she was dominating that market.

So, in summary, provide customer service training to your employees. The benefit is you will grow your business and be more profitable.

If you are interested in finding a customer service jobs, please visit our customer servicesite for more information.

Tom Borg

Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, trainer, coach


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