It’s Not What You Know It’s What You Do

Posted by in Customer Service

One of the biggest misconceptions in business today is the idea that “knowledge is power.” Knowledge is not power, “the effective use of knowledge is power.” According to Jay Conrad Levinson, the father of Guerrilla Marketing, there are two kinds of learning styles. The first kind is the type where a person is a one way learner. This is the person who learns knowledge and internalizes it. The second type of learner is the two way learner. This person takes in knowledge and then puts it to work in his or her outside world. The people who become the most successful and earn the most money are the ones who are this second type of learner.

If you are looking to change jobs or to find a job in customer service, striving to become a two way learner would be your best bet at being hired. Here are some suggestions in using this method. First, become a continual learner. Always be on the lookout for information and knowledge you can implement in your present career or for the future. One excellent place to tap into this information is the Internet. There are many career coaches that will provide you with a free monthly e-newsletter. The content you find in some of these newsletters is well worth reading and can provide you with ideas and reminders of what to do. By being constantly exposed to this kind of information flow, it can remind you to follow through with ideas that can work for you.

Another source of excellent knowledge is job search websites. Here you can find an array of resources that can plug you into classified job listings and career help articles. Current magazines focused on job searches like Occupational Outlook Quarterly provide practical information on jobs and careers. As the web page says, “Articles are written in straightforward, non-technical language and cover a wide variety of career and work-related topics such as new and emerging occupations, training opportunities, salary trends, and results of new studies from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.”

Still another area you can use is to tap into job search blogs. Here you will find current information that can help you keep current on new trends and up to date knowledge sources that can give you the edge in finding your dream job.

The key is to take the knowledge you can use and put it to work. If there is a technique you can use to research a company put it into practice immediately. By constantly applying the really good ideas that you find, you will be narrowing the gap between where you are, and where you need to be. Before you know it, you will have landed a job that fits you, your personality and your desired income level.

Tom Borg is a consultant in leadership management, team building and customer service. Please see more of his blogs at and To view additional job postings at Nexxt

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