How To Overcome Anxiety in Your New Job - 4 Tips That Can Help

Posted by in Career Advice

So you got a job! Good for you! So, why are you still struggling? Overcome anxiety in your new job with these tips.

All of that hard work you put into your job search has finally paid off. You don't have to sift through job openings looking for your dream job, and instead you're trying to get into the swing of your new job. So, why are you still having trouble sleeping and spending a lot of time worrying about your job?

Sometimes, just getting the job isn't enough to keep the anxiety at bay. Now that you have a job, there is more risk and more to lose. Going through a period of unemployment is really, really tough and it's not unusual to come out of the experience a little shell-shocked and worse for wear. It's normal to worry that your skills are rusty, that you might not fit in at the new company or even have worries about money.

If you're dealing with anxiety and fear in your new job, here are some tips that can help:

  • If you're worried about money – Starting a new job is hard, but it's even harder when you are broke. Accept that the first month or two are going to be really hard. The first few weeks are a struggle because you might have trouble affording things like gas to get you back and forth, childcare, work clothes and even lunch until you get a few paychecks under your belt. Even then, you'll be spending a large portion of each paycheck just getting caught up on bills. It's really tough, but it does get better.

  • If you had to take a pay cut – When you are out of work and desperate, sometimes you have to take a transitional job just to pay the bills. There is no shame in that, and when you are feeling stressed out, try to keep your focus on the positive side of things. While you are working, you are able to earn a little money and brush up on your skills. When the job of your dreams comes along, you'll be in a position to make a smooth transition.

  • If you are feeling overwhelmed – Transitioning back to the workplace is really hard. If you are feeling overwhelmed, remember to take care of yourself. For the first month or two it's really important to eat as healthy as you can. Pick breakfast food that will give you energy throughout the day, rather than sugary foods that will give you a mid-morning crash. Also, you might want to be sure to take a multivitamin everyday. Your new workplace is bound to be filled with germs that your body isn't accustomed to and the last thing you want to happen is to be sick during the first month of employment.

  • If you're worried about your job performance – Being out of work is traumatic, and it's normal to worry that you are going to fail at the new job. Instead of looking at it as a test, think of the new job as a chance to be the best “you” you can. If you don't already have a personal brand, now is the time to create it. Decide what you want to be and try to be that. Re-creating yourself into the sort of employee you want to be can become an adventure, and this new job is a fresh start.

Have you had a hard time adjusting to full-time employment? What helped you work through it? Let me know in the comments.

If you are looking for a job in the Philadelphia area, visit PhillyJobs for the best Philadelphia are job listings.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for PhillyJobsBlog, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.


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