How to Market Yourself (to an Employer)

Posted by in Career Advice

Stand out from the thousands of job seekers by utilizing marketing strategies that will get the attention of hiring experts. Marketing yourself effectively will help you get the job you want, but make sure not to embellish your qualifications and skills. Here are five important points to help you market yourself to possible employers: 1. Act like a salesperson who wants to sell his/her products. Highlight your qualifications and skills and how they apply to the position. Make sure to do your research about the company: find out what it does and what it looks for in their employees. 2. Create an informative resume that ensures an interview. Instead of listing all the details of the previous jobs you’ve had and the general information of all the tasks you did, present your qualifications and skills in a concise and clear manner that focuses on achievements. Adjust length, wording and format with the goal of capturing the hiring manager’s attention immediately. 3. During an interview, prepare beforehand so you can answer the interviewer’s questions in a straightforward yet informative manner. As a basic prerequisite, be ready to answer the standard “Why should we hire you?” question. This is a crucial marketing test that you have to pass with flying colors. State your skills and expertise in a way that outlines what you can offer the company. There’s no need to exaggerate, just be honest and detailed. Also, dress to impress and arrive early. Remember to focus on the positives: never bad-mouth your previous employer no matter how much you hated the job. 4. Join networking groups and social networking sites. Ensure that you are always up-to-date by constantly undergoing career training and enhancement programs to further your knowledge on the latest job searching and hiring methods. 5. Employ a sound recruitment strategy to ensure that if one application fails, you have a back-up plan to follow. However, focus on quality before quantity. It is better to focus your efforts on a handful of companies than to market yourself to many companies. Most importantly, it’s all in the attitude. Project a positive attitude and the determination to succeed, and things will happen for you!

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  • Flossy
    Hey, youÂ’re the goto expert. Thanks for haningg out here.
  • Kelis
    Great thinking!
  • Frankie
    Good point. I hadn't thought about it quite that way.
  • Helene
    THANKS that's a great answer!
  • Sheri Richardson
    Sheri Richardson
    Good confidence booster which one needs after being out of work and looking for a job.   Also it tells you exactly how to grab the attention of a hiring manager.
  • Colleen F.
    Colleen F.
    I agree with David Magadu - when asked to state my weaknesses what should one say!  We have geared ourselves up for the "positive" so why should anyone ask for "weaknesses".  Help on this would be great.  Thanks in advance.
  • Abel Chendamudima
    Abel Chendamudima
    Very impressive points raised on how best to attend an interview. Could you please send me most asked questions and answers which are raised on the day of an interview. Saying "I was bored due to lack of advancement in my previous position" would you say that is badmouthing your previous employer?
  • Fatmata Kamara
    Fatmata Kamara
    I appreciate this article, it is a saver. It helps me a lot. Thank you for the advice.
  • Sbonile
    I love the article it is very clear to the job hunters but I also need help. How can I tell the interviewer about my weakness, if I tell them are they still gonna hire me?
  • Ken Rapoport
    Ken Rapoport
    David, I would suggest you take that question and turn a negative into a positive. An example,or two: "I had a problem with Excel, but I took a course/seminar on ways to improve my understanding, and I am much more confident now." or "I once felt intimidated by a supervisor, so I asked him/her if they had a few minutes to speak with me. As a result of speaking with them, I found them to be more aware of my situation, and I found myself feeling less intimidated because I approached the supervisor to resolve the issue."  Turn a so-called "weakness" into a positive trait of yours. Just my 2 cents.
  • Michael Mitchel
    Michael Mitchel
    Sound advice.  It confirms my feelings.  Michael
  • Karen Mason
    Karen Mason
    David, That's a rough one!! I always say something to the effect of, "One of my more challenging areas would be taking on more than I should. I always get it done, however, if I would of had a bit more time, I would have changed..."  I also use, "I can do (what ever) however, I don't feel that it's one of my stronger qualities, however, it has not affected the quality of my work nor has it affected my time frame for finishing."  I try and stay away from the word "weakness". Hope this helps!  Good Luck!
  • Karen Mason
    Karen Mason
    Also, dress on the conservative side. For women, make sure your dress is not low cut in the front,  the length is not too short, and most of all, they FIT! Wearing dresses, skirts, and blouses that are to small or to tight sends the wrong impression. Make-up should be tasteful and natural looking. Amazingly, many companies look to see if you are wearing lipstick! Even if it's a tinited gloss, wear it and leave the bright red for another time!
  • Louis Szollosy
    Louis Szollosy
    As a career counselor, I thought this was short and sweet and to the point.  They were very applicable cues for job searching.  
  • Lee Nguyen
    Lee Nguyen
    These are VERY HELPFUL suggestions... And it's very true that it needs to be that way. Prospective employers expect or want to see this from candidates basically.  Thanks
  • Sales Roberto
    Sales Roberto
    This was good and clear advice.  thanks for this..
  • glo
    What about managers who may not want to interview/hire older candidates because they feel intimidated by your experience? How can you be sure to be viewed as a good fit? Many companies are managed now by very young people who just want to be surrounded by very young people, even if it is not the best choice for the company — it does happen. I used to find jobs very easily. Now not so much! Not for 4 years. I am 58. I am active sportswise as well. I can only find low end jobs and my knowledge, even though I continue to add to it and keep it new is not getting used. And you know what they say...use it or lose it.
  • David Magadu
    David Magadu
    The article is good. The most difficult question for me is when asked to state my weakness. please help.
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