How to Get and Keep a Realistic Positive Mental Attitude During Your Job Search

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How do you define a realistic positive attitude? One of the best definitions I have come up with is: “expecting the best from life and doing your best to attain it.” When it comes to getting the best from life, your attitude plays the most significant part.

Attitude is Everything
It has been said that “your attitude will determine your altitude in life.” What this implies is that what you get from life is essentially what you put into it. When it comes to your career, if you expect to find the work you love, develop the knowledge and skill sets that it requires, you are well on your way to achieving that goal. The next step is action. You must take action, without it you will not reach your goal.

Avoid the Whiners
The people who whine the loudest in life are usually the ones that have done the least. They take little or no action. They look at life as something that is trying to do them in. They can give you every possible excuse for their inability to find a successful career. They are the kind of people who get a cynical look on their face when they hear about other people’s success. They are the type of person who can cheer up a whole room—by leaving it! Don’t try and change their mind, because they will usually take it as a personal affront. Simply put, these are the kind of people you always want to avoid.

Stay Focused and Proactive
Your successful job search depends on your willingness to keep focused on the positive opportunities that do exist. Being proactive is a must. Don’t expect opportunity to come knocking on your door. Seek out job opportunities and when you find one, knock loudly on its’ door. Don’t be surprised if it answers by asking “Where have you been? We have been waiting for you!”

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Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more profitable by increasing their value and lowering their costs through the professional development of their managers and employees.

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