How to Create Your New Job Network

Posted by in Customer Service

Resumes are necessary when seeking out a new customer service job, but not at the top of the list. In one discussion I was having with a human resources manager, she explained to me that they were finding resumes to be of less and less value in hiring the best people. She went on to say that the resumes they were receiving were not totally accurate, and some of the applicants included information that were not true. In other words, some people are lying on their resume.

With less credence being put on peoples’ resumes, the number one critical factor that will get you hired is the people contacts you know within the organization where you want to secure employment in a customer service job.

The key to be successful in leveraging this approach is to develop a list of the people you know, who work for, or know someone who works for, the company where you want to work. It has been said the average person knows approximately 200 people well enough that they would attend his or her own funeral. What this means to your job search strategy is that of the 200 people you know, each person knows another 200 people. What that ultimately means is that you have access to 40,000 people. Within these 40,000 people it is very likely that you would have access to someone who could influence the hiring of you for the job of your dreams.

Here is how I would recommend you take advantage of the people connections you ultimately have. First, create a spreadsheet of all the people you know. Include on this form their current place of employment, their position and how well you know them. You could give each person a rating. An “A” could be someone you know extremely well. Family members or good friends would be on this list. A “B” could be someone you know very well. These people would be those you know, but with whom you are not closely associated. And a “C” could be someone with whom you are fairly well acquainted and would return a phone call.

The next step is to contact these individuals one at a time. Set up a time when you can either have a coffee with them or a telephone call. At that time you can discuss with them the type of job you are seeking and your qualifications. Explain to them they do not have to have an answer right now, but you will be checking back with them from time to time. As they run across people within their own company or people they know who work for other companies, they can let you know who they might be able to introduce you to, or would be worth your calling them.

Tom Borg is a consultant in leadership management, team building and customer service. Please see more of his blogs at and To view additional job postings at Nexxt


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