How Do you Know When a Job is a Good Fit?

Posted by in Career Advice

Recently, a job opportunity opened itself to me (a nice change considering this economy) that I had never considered before. It has been a week and I'm still trying to figure out the best course of action. Do I take a job that might not be a good fit or hold out for something that seems to suit my personality? This might sound like an odd decision, given the economy, but it's on my mind nonetheless.

This led me to wonder how many people are experiencing this thought right now, or have experienced it in life? Is there such a thing as fate or saying things always work out for the best? I used to think so but lately have been doubting that and I'm typically a decisive person, so I'm now irritating myself to no end. There are numerous articles on the subject, but mainly they give common sense advice.

So I am left wondering: do we ever truly know if a job is a good fit until we begin it? If it's not a good fit, are we left viewing it as a mistake or learning experience? I tend to view things in a positive way, seeing our decisions as stepping stones in the right direction. What do you think? Have you been through this before and is this anxiety normal for someone who's been in the "working world"? Please leave a comment and let's begin this discussion.


Amy worked in corporate public relations for three years before returning to graduate school to become an English teacher. She is also a freelance writer for CollegeJobBank.Com. Her strengths include: drafting speeches, writing talking points for media interviews, making corporate presentations, and writing for publications. Read more of her blogs at Find jobs and other information at Nexxt.


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