A resume should set you apart from other job candidates, proving to the hiring manager that you're well qualified for the job, adept at communicating clearly and knowledgeable about your industry. However, adding questionable information to your resume can make you stand out for all the wrong reasons. Check out some of the hilarious things that job seekers have included on their resumes.
1. Unusual Talents and Unrelated Skills
The skills and talents you list on your resume should be related to the position for which you're applying. While leadership skills prove a great asset, "World of Warcraft Guild Leader" isn't likely to get you far in the corporate world. One job seeker listed "I can speak Klingon" as a skill, which may only help if you're applying to be a "Star Trek" extra. Another job seeker went as far as to write: "I am adored by my entire village. All of the villagers want me to marry their daughters." If it's not considered a benefit to the employer, leave it off your resume.
2. Unflappable Honesty
While you should never embellish your resume or provide any untrue information, it's possible to be too honest. When asked if he was convicted of a felony, one job seeker responded: "Yes. Arson. He deserved it. Will discuss in interview." Another job seeker was brutally honest when he wrote, "None of my references really like me, so please don't believe what they say."
If you were fired from a previous position, disclose this without going into too much detail. One job seeker took his explanation too far with this line: “I quit being a porn actor and took a job at a gas station. They fired me because of ‘job performance issues.’ Right before the tank was full I’d pull the nozzle out and spray gas all over the car’s headlights.”
3. Untruths
If you lie on your resume, expect it to catch up with you. Make sure your resume honestly represents your education, work experience, skills and qualifications. Unless he's Bill Gates, the job seeker who listed "I came up with the idea for Windows" on his resume isn't likely to be believed by a potential employer.
4. Erroneous Experience
An impeccably written and proofread resume shows hiring managers that you're attentive to details. The job seeker who listed "i werked at da keyfuuud az da best bhag boiii" clearly didn't spend any time correcting the spelling and grammar issues on his resume.
5. Unmentionable Accomplishments
Your resume should include achievements that prove you're capable of the job duties. One job seeker listed "I learned how to store crumbs in the flaps of my fat for safe-keeping" as an accomplishment, which isn't likely to be a necessary skill for any job position.
When crafting your resume, take a lesson from these job seekers and avoid including unprofessional or untrue information, listing things unrelated to the position, or expressing unabashed honesty. While these hilarious things might provide the hiring manager with a good laugh, they also land your resume on the reject pile.
Photo courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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