Handling the Transition From Worker to Boss

John Krautzel
Posted by in Management & Business

When you are promoted to a management position, your co-workers become your employees, and your goals and responsibilities experience a sizable shift. It is important for other workers to respect your new role as you transition from worker to boss. However, you also need to make an effort to communicate your goals and maintain a positive relationship with the team while adjusting to your new management responsibilities.

Entering a management position changes your relationship with former co-workers, as a leadership position carries certain expectations. This means you can no longer engage in break-room gossip and venting sessions with workers, although you can still be friendly with your employees. If you don't make this relational change, employees may be tempted to take advantage of your new role in a management position. They may begin asking for favors, expecting you to be lenient or expecting you to share confidential company information.

Even if you're unsure about your new role as boss or want to appear humble, don't act as though you feel unworthy or embarrassed of the promotion. This makes you look insincere, so instead, display confidence to show employees and other managers that you're fit for the role. Keep in mind that this doesn't mean that you should be cold to, or too hard on, employees to show them who's boss, as this only leads to bitterness and the unwillingness to follow your lead. Treat each worker with respect, and be careful to give each employee equal treatment, even if you have close friendships with certain workers. As soon as you are promoted to a management position, speak with each team member to get any issues or concerns out in the open to let you start your new role with a clean slate.

Stop by the HR department and ask for any available training and support for your new management position. Start forming new relationships with other managers at and above your leadership level. Forming friendly relationships at this level helps you avoid the dissatisfaction of being caught between the relational roles of employee and boss, and it solidifies your role in the company. Finally, make a game plan for your team, clearly stating your goals and objectives for it so that every worker in it understands what you expect. Let them know that while you are there to support them and assist them whenever they need it, you expect additional effort on their parts.

As you transition from worker to boss, keep in mind that you don't have to give up your friendships with workers. If you used to go out after work, you can continue to do this as long as you keep conversation topics non-work related. When at work, conduct yourself in a professional manner while maintaining a focus on achieving results as you adjust to your management position.

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