Getting Your Health Insurance Agent License

Posted by in Insurance

So you want to break into the health insurance industry. And you like the sales side. The first thing you should know is that the competition will be stiff in these hard times. There will be plenty of college grads and people already working in the industry. The second thing you need to know is that you can’t sell health insurance without an “Insurance Agent" license. How do you get one? Follow these steps:


Check Your State Law Requirements

State laws governing the Insurance Agent license vary little from state to state, but it’s a good idea to see what your state requires in terms of training and certification. Typically, you’ll need to take 40 hours of classroom instruction to earn your certificate of completion, which you’ll need to take your state’s licensing exam. If you plan to sell health insurance in California, you’ll need to take an additional 12-hour ethics course. Your state licensing commission can provide information on education and exam requirements, including education waivers.


Registering and Taking the Class

Finding a company that offers the Insurance Agent license class can be a challenge. Do a Google search in your area. Make sure that the course offered by the school you found has been approved by the licensing board in the state where you plan to earn a license and sell insurance. The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research offers certifications and courses for health insurance agents, including the Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation. Fees for the Insurance Agent license class can set you back a couple hundred dollars. Once you’ve signed up, be punctual about attendance. Most instructors are real sticklers about this. Strict government regulations impose heavy fines on professors who allow students to be tardy. So plan for traffic and finding the classroom on the first day.


Do Your Homework and Study Hard

Unlike some of your college classes, you won’t be able to skate through these. So be sure to do your homework and review the day’s materials before each class. After you successfully complete the course and receive your certificate of completion, schedule your exam. Most states will have online scheduling tools. Study hard and review your classroom materials. You’ll need a score of 70% or higher to pass. Once you receive your Insurance Agent license, you can legally sell life and health insurance in your state. Keep in mind that you’ll need to complete approved continuing education courses to maintain your professional certification.


Getting your Health Insurance Agent license puts you in the running to being hired as an agent. Once hired, you’ll typically work under an experienced agent who will act as a mentor until you can “hit the ground running.”


Image courtesy of smokedsalmon/


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