Get Back to the Present Moment

Julie Shenkman
Posted by in Career Advice

Have you ever caught yourself worrying about tomorrow or next month? Do you have a minor anxiety attack when you think about the car payment that's due within seven days or the house payment that is due the day after, or those credit cards with high balances?

Feeling Down?
In your job, are you starting to get a bit concerned? It doesn't seem that everything is going the way it should. Your boss has hinted at some potential cutbacks and "rightsizing", and your co-workers are starting to avoid you. Do you find yourself longing for "the good old days" or thinking about the times when you were "happier" or at least you thought you were?

Do you suffer from any of the following?
If it's winter, you can't wait for spring. If it's spring, you can't wait for summer.
If it's summer you can't wait for autumn. If it's autumn you can't wait for spring.
If it's Monday you wish it were Friday. If it's 9 a.m. you wish it were 5 pm.

Stay in the Present
The present moment is all you have. You can't get any more real. Now is all you have. Don't let the lure of a better tomorrow or the yearning to return to the good old days prevent you from getting everything you can out of the present moment! Right now, this present moment is priceless.

Without it, there are no tomorrows, there are no yesterdays. If you do not have a quality present moment, you begin to breed the habit of a blurred memory of yesterday and a fuzzy vision of tomorrow. As Bernie Siegel, MD, once said, “Today is the best day of your life”.

Quit living in the past and stop worrying about the future. Get into the present moment and live your life more completely.

Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more profitable by increasing their value and lowering their costs through the professional development of their managers and employees.


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  • Rangler
    Good point.
  • Coltin
    Thanks for the insight.
  • Elly
    Thanks for sharing. What a pleasure to read!
  • Kayleen
    Wow! Great thinking!
  • Heidi Redford
    Heidi Redford
    Reading the article above makes me want to stay motivated through these trying times of trying to find employment.
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