How would you like to earn $20,000 an hour?
You could make that much -- or more -- in higher salary if you ace your next job interview. But you have to prepare and practice first!
Are you ready for some of the most commonly asked interview questions? There are four of them, in my view, and here they are:
1. Behavioral or Situational Questions
Interviewers who want to probe deeply into your personality may ask questions about specific experiences from your past. Examples questions:- "Tell me about a time when you demonstrated initiative."
- "Tell me about a time when you worked on a team that was slowed by personal conflicts. What role did you play in finding a solution?"
Interviewers assume that your answers to these questions will help predict your future behavior on the job.
2. Role-Play Questions
You may be asked to act out a real-life situation that could arise in your next job.
You may get a question like this: "You are the Regional Sales Manager and the President has just given you the following problem. How would youhandle it?"
The possible answers are endless. Interviewers are interested in the thought process you demonstrate in playing the role, so be sure to gather your thoughts before answering.
3. Industry-Specific Questions
Interviewers will want to see how much you know about their industry. One manager at FedEx asked all candidates: "Could you describe what this company does?" A good number of interviewees faltered! It seemed too obvious to prepare for.
Don't take anything for granted. Be sure you can describe the company, its industry and its competitors clearly.
4. Current Events Questions
An interviewer may ask for your opinion on an election or a current economic event. Be wary of expressing strong views on politics, religion or other "hot button" issues, unless, of course, you're interviewing for a spot with the Republican or Democratic Party!
The research you do about the company and its culture should help you anticipate these types of questions.
Best of luck to you!
-- Kevin Donlin is the author of "Resume and Cover Letter Secrets Revealed," a do-it-yourself manual that will help you find a job in 30 days ... or your money back. For more information, please visit
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