Follow These Three Phone Interview Tips

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Conducting phone interviews is a cost-effective strategy business managers use to narrow down pools of applicants. If you impress job recruiters during this stage of the hiring process, you might land an in-person interview, which is usually the final step before getting the job. You must ace your interview to become one of the lucky candidates who get to move forward, and these phone interview tips can help you do just that.

Prepare Days in Advance

It's very important to prepare your call environment in advance to minimize the chance of distractions during your phone interview. Make sure your kids are away, or ask a spouse, relative or friend to watch them during your interview time. Place your dog in a separate room or outside, or arrange for a neighbor to walk the dog during your interview. Silence your televisions, other phones and even your doorbell, and make sure you're in an isolated room with a lockable door if you aren't home alone.

You should also make sure you have a reliable phone connection. If possible, use a landline phone. If you don't have a landline, make sure your cell phone works properly and has a full charge before the interview, and be sure to get the interviewer's office number in advance in case the call drops. It's also a good idea to prepare cheat notes for your interview. Write down a list of common interview questions, and practice answering them out loud. Jot down a list of questions you have about the organization, position or company culture.

Look and Act Professional

Although recruiters can't see you during your phone interview, you should still make an effort to look professional. There's no need to wear a formal suit, but make sure you're clean, well-groomed and well-dressed, as this helps you to project a more confident tone during the conversation. Sit up straight, and smile throughout the phone call to ensure that everything you say comes across in a professional and positive manner. Don't chew gum or eat during your interview, but keep a glass of water nearby in case your throat gets dry. It's also important to use the recruiter's title during the interview. Refer to the interviewer as "Ms.," "Mr." or "Doctor" and his or her last name unless invited to use a first name.

End the Call on a Positive Note

Don't be afraid to express your enthusiasm about the position and to ask about the next step in the interview process. Once you ace your interview, let the recruiter know you enjoyed the talk and look forward to hearing back. You should also send a thank-you email to the recruiter immediately following the phone interview, as this reinforces your interest in the position and helps you stand out among the applicants.

Phone interviews allow recruiters to quickly weed out poor applicants, so become a standout candidate by taking the interview seriously and expressing your enthusiasm for the organization. Maintain a professional, friendly and positive tone throughout your phone interview to make a good impression on recruiters and drastically increase your chance of landing that all-important face-to-face interview.

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