Finding a Job is an Awful Lot Like Dating

Posted by in Career Advice

These days, finding a job is hard. In fact, finding the right job is almost as difficult as finding the right life partner. Although people always want to offer helpful advice to those who are trying to find Mr. or Mrs. Right, like “There are plenty of fish in the sea” or “Well, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince.” These same gems can be used in relation to a job search as well.


If you think about it, dating and job hunting are fairly similar. Just like dating, you first have to go through all of the possibilities to find the ones that are best suited to your skills, interests and talents. Next, you can express interest and offer yourself for consideration. Then comes the sometimes almost painful wait for the phone call and the invitation to sit down and talk about the opportunity. During an interview or a first date, both parties are sizing each other up and trying to determine if the person sitting across from them is someone they want to know more about. If everything goes right, the interview will be followed by a job offer and everyone goes home happy.


Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, and not every job interview or date goes well. Sometimes, you'll have a meeting where there is chemistry and rapport. Things go great and you leave thinking that you just might have found “The One.” You wait by the phone, hoping to get that important call, but instead find out that they decided to go in a different direction. Other times, you'll express interest or apply for a job and never get so much as a “Thanks, but no thanks.”


If you're looking for a job (or a life partner), it's important not to get discouraged. I know it's hard when you get excited by an opportunity, but remember that every interview is a chance to practice your skills. Sometimes, you'll go to an interview and realize that the job just isn't for you, and other times, you'll let nerves get the better of you and mess things up. Either way, don't be too hard on yourself. Just pick yourself up and keep trying.


Just like you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find the prince, you'll have to apply to a lot of jobs to find the right one. Remember that even if your next interview doesn't result in a job offer, you've had a chance to make your pitch and you've found one more job you don't want. With hard work and a little luck, you'll find the right opportunity for you and make a connection that will last.


What do you think? Have you had to interview at several places before you found the right fit? Please share your thoughts in the comments.


Image source: OpenClipArt


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  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    Thanks for all of the great comments. @Alexander - you're right, leaving a job does feel like a breakup. Sometimes you are dumped and other times, you have to be the one dumping. Either way, it's tough.
  • Jacqueline R
    Jacqueline R
    I have gotten my MBA with a HR concentration in order to make a career change.  Since I this that, the economy is bad and I lost my initial job due to downsizing.  Now student loans later, the good news is by getting laid off, I got a chance to work for 2 years total on 2 different contract jobs in HR.  The problem is in my search for HR jobs 3 years later, I am more and more getting told that my HR experience is too long ago or I am being offered positions that are way below my present salary as an Admin Assist which by the way is also a contract position.  Can you say confusion?  I
  • Jill A
    Jill A
    Both are very much alike. Unfortunately, some of us (like myself) don't have experience in either. Maybe my interviewing will help me with my dating life too.
    Yes it is very similar.Thank you
  • Alexander P
    Alexander P
    Nice analogy!Leaving a job is alot like a breakup too!
  • Colleen K
    Colleen K
    For sure, one wants to feel a spark or excitement about a position even  before the interview process begins. If the excitement remains after the interview the job has a great chance of being a good fit.
  • Charles S
    Charles S
    Yes.  As Nat King Cole would have said: "Many tears have to fall, but it's all in the game."Applies to dating and locating that job as well.
  • Bruce T
    Bruce T
    Construction Engineer/Project Management; entails tremendous scope of experience...where I study the postings on the sites and read! yes my capabilities are consistently steadfast to accomplish what is necessary.  Has the one that writing these descriptions of duties the comprehension of personality that is required in accomplishing the descriptions?  Are they aware of the costs or do they just want what they want with no comprehension of what is required?

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