Don’t Forget About Mom

Posted by in Customer Service

When you are considering your sales strategy, don’t forget the Moms. According to Packaged Facts’, mothers are 43% more likely to go online for coupons than other food shoppers. They are about 38% more likely to browse websites than food shoppers as a whole. Moms, like everyone else, are swayed by internet and social media. Here is some information to make sure you are doing all you can to attract Moms to your place of business.

On the Go

According to BabyCenter, 65% of moms have smartphones, and they use them to shop, bank and stay organized. They use mobile apps to make sure they’re getting the best deals available. With the rise of online recommendations through Facebook, Twitter, and blogs, mom’s gain first person perspective, make connections and check other Mom’s recommendations. This “recommendation culture” affects their purchasing behavior and you want to make sure your store is on top of this.  You need to attract Moms with something unique and special to have them spread the word about your store. If you have a bakery in your store, add some sports, or dance themed cakes. Maybe you could run a special every other Thursday and bring a crowd in with that. Is your customer service department something Moms can write about? The ideas are as limitless as your imagination on what you can do to gain the Mom shopper.


Values and Coupons

Moms love values and bargains. Moms are no longer brand loyal either. With the downslide in the economy, they are looking to do more on a limited budget and are open to exploring different, more affordable brands. If your store brand is comparable to a bestselling brand, they will buy it at the right price. By showing Moms how much you value their patronage, whether by sales, excellent customer service or loyalty cards, they will come back into your shop again afterwards.


Coupons are a factor also. 53% of mothers use coupons or coupon codes when purchasing items. Moms are more likely to use store coupons than manufacturing coupons they found online. Make sure coupons are part of your marketing strategy. Coupons which offer 50% off will grab a Mom’s attention and have them consider buying an item they hadn’t tried before. It’s up to the success of your coupon promotion and their ability to persuade these Moms to buy your merchandise.


The Mom Wrap Up

Moms are more likely to address personal issues in social media forums. They develop a network of trusted advisors sharing experiences and information. Part of this sharing is their shopping experiences. If you are not using mobile communication or if you don’t have a website, you’re going to miss a lot of business that could come your way. Just how visual is your business? Too, Moms can be somewhat skeptical. It’s in the nature of the job. They love having the social networking in their lives but don’t believe everything they read. If your store brand is just going through the motion of being on social media and not fully involved, don’t expect sales. These Moms want a brand to participate fully.


Attracting the customer takes some work. However by using social media, marketing, excellent customer service skills and coupons, you can have the customers that are Moms in your store buying your merchandise and posting about your store on their Facebook pages.


Photo courtesy of


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