Does Facebook Really Work for Customer Service?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Customer Service

It's no secret that technology has significantly affected how businesses operate. You know that customer service strategies must embrace social media to better serve your clients, but if you are unsure of how to make the medium work for you, consider incorporating Facebook Messenger into the mix. Facebook is a widely adopted form of social media, so why not reach your customers through this medium to improve your connections and relationships?

Problem Solve With Mobile Technology

Customer service strategies must be user friendly and easily accessed on mobile devices to satisfy a diverse customer base. Facebook Messenger allows your clients to contact your business when they have problems with products and services. Troubleshoot online, and initiate direct contact with your customers by responding to messages and showing that your business is responsive.

Offer Immediate Access

Your customer base wants access to your sales and support staff immediately. Facebook Messenger makes this need a reality. While scrolling through their news feed or viewing products on your official Facebook page, potential and existing clients can message your staff with questions or requests and receive immediate access to the instructions, advice, or product details they need. Avoid using automated phone services or online chats that are externally accessed and that are often inconvenient for your customers. Instead, launch customer service strategies that are much more convenient and provide your customers with information they seek on a platform they have open on an hourly basis.

Improve Follow-Up

Facebook Messenger simplifies how your service and support staff responds to client requests. While it is unrealistic to expect just one service representative to handle all inquiries, with Facebook Messenger, you can assign multiple staff members as administrators. As a result, customers who have messaged your business do not have to repeat their issues or requests to different departments or multiple support staff members. The history of the message is immediately saved and accessible to your staff, so they can better serve your clients and improve the efficiency of your customer service. A quick read-through of the message eliminates duplicate contacts and streamlines the process for your staff when following up with consumers.

Eliminate Third-Party Apps

Improve your productivity while cutting back on expenses when using Facebook Messenger. Instead of subscribing to multiple apps to reach customers on mobile devices, incorporate a customer service strategy that your clients are already using on a daily or hourly basis. Facebook Messenger is built into the Facebook app and alerts you and customers when new messages have arrived. Your staff can promptly respond and communicate with customers on mobile devices, tablets or desktop computers without having to download additional applications that may not be compatible with Android or iOS devices.

The key to strong customer service is to tap into social media platforms that are convenient for customers. Build relationships with your clients, streamline your communication process, and provide prompt responses and solutions when using Facebook Messenger.

Photo Courtesy of Phaitoon at


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